Report Bugs, Issues and Suggestions Here!
Welcome to Icarus' Bugs and Suggestions Board!
Please make sure to be CLEAR and CONCISE when providing your feedback on bugs and issues. Feel free to add photos, or links to videos or drives for more information. We will be using google translate to edit any suggestions not in English.
Before you write a new suggestion, try searching a few keywords, and you might find another suggestion that matches yours. We will only be considering suggestions that have a high number of upvotes, and will not be looking at low voted or low detail tickets. Messages on our social medias or discord will not be officially considered. However, our discord contains many experienced prospectors that would be happy to try assist you with an issue before posting here to help us out.
We will try to reflect the status of each ticket as soon as we can.
We cannot promise all bugs will be fixed asap, but we will prioritize which are most pressing, so search for your issue before you post!
If there is a critical bug or issue, we will let you know on our Twitter @SurviveIcarus if we need to make a fix while you are playing.
Please make sure to be CLEAR and CONCISE when providing your feedback on bugs and issues. Feel free to add photos, or links to videos or drives for more information. We will be using google translate to edit any suggestions not in English.
Before you write a new suggestion, try searching a few keywords, and you might find another suggestion that matches yours. We will only be considering suggestions that have a high number of upvotes, and will not be looking at low voted or low detail tickets. Messages on our social medias or discord will not be officially considered. However, our discord contains many experienced prospectors that would be happy to try assist you with an issue before posting here to help us out.
We will try to reflect the status of each ticket as soon as we can.
We cannot promise all bugs will be fixed asap, but we will prioritize which are most pressing, so search for your issue before you post!
If there is a critical bug or issue, we will let you know on our Twitter @SurviveIcarus if we need to make a fix while you are playing.
[Suggestion] Balance Electric furnace cost
That furnace electronic price aint justifie. Moderne electric furnace are only (for most of it) one simple planel to reduc or augment temperature and one thermometer ...
[Suggestion] Red Exotics extracting & organic residue cleanser balance
It takes a lot of work to make it to the far end of tier 4 to mine the red exotics, which is OK. It currently takes two organic residue cleansers with water to almost ...
[Suggestion] Add firearm cleaning kits to allow for on the go durability
As a gunsmith, there is no reason a rifle should be broken after a little over 100 rounds. If by broken, the game wants us to think the gun is unusable, then I could ...
[Suggestion] Better poison arrow
Current iteration of the poison arrow sucks. Does an extra like what, 20 damage over time? Bump up the DOT, make it last way longer or, better yet, forget the DOT ...
[Suggestion] Separate Weather Difficulty from Game Difficulty
The new weather forecast system adjusts weather tiers based on game difficulty. This is a nice feature. However, it would be better if there was a separate setting ...
[Suggestion] Dogs are too Slow
Dogs are too slow basically making it unusable when traveling around on mount or even by foot when running. Would like to have it for guard and hunting.
[Suggestion] Add Tier 3 Light Source - Headlamp
Would it be possible to add a portable (ideally wearable) light source at a higher tech tier.. Like a headtorch. I feel like by the time you are able to make Bio Fuel ...
[Suggestion] Silicon Electronics Recipe
Since one of the biggest issues right now is the grind for electronics late game, would it be possible to have an alternate recipe for electronics which uses silicon ...
[Suggestion] Tames too slow when following
We all know that the animals on the planet can keep up with you on foot. So why do tames all end up entire sectors behind you when you have them set to follow, even ...
[Suggestion] Variable return of exotics by drill level
Have the different drills return a different percentage of exotics per vein. For example, if a vein's base amount is say 180 to 220 exotics, the biofuel drill would ...
[Suggestion] Boost to bow health
im a bow hunter, if my bow where to be anywhere near braking after 100-200 arrows, i wouldn't have that bow for long. even a basic native short bow is more then ...
[Bug] Heavy Wolf Spawn at Entrance of Artic Biome
Wolves need to be adjusted or moved further away from the artic and forest entrance as you can easily farm them from a Rock that you can climb but the wolves can't. ...
[Suggestion] PVP or Some type of larger threat to survival
This game falls extremely flat and becomes super dull after you get to end game gear. It's repetitive and grindy and not in a good way. It would be much more ...
[Suggestion] Slower Bear Respawn Timer
There appears to be no downtime between killing bears and their respawn time. In the recent beta weekend, the bear near the entrance to the desert zone would ...
[Suggestion] Scorpions overpowered & seem not to be doing as advertised
Scorpions are supposed to be guarding territory, but that territory is huge, they wander around, have huge aggro range, and their sting is WAY over the top in killing ...
[Bug] Not Able To Cool off when inside a cave in water?
Is there a reason that one cannot cool off in a heatwave in the desert inside a cave and in it's water? Can this be fixed/added?
[Suggestion] Ultra Hardcore Mode
I reckon to add to quality of life that you should add a ultra-hardcore mode that kicks in and can be unlocked once you hit level 50. Where you either increase the ...
[Suggestion] Give solo players one Respawn in Hardcore missions or a greater reward
Hardcore missions are all about risk and reward.
But that's not true for solo vs. MP play.
A solo player can't revive at all but gets the same reward as an MP grp. ...
[BALANCE] Heatwave at Desert in night
Its desert. Its night. Its heatwave... 25C
I get it, desert is cold at night, but when a heatwave comes at 25C, why exposure, to what exactly? :D
[Suggestion] Fire Extinguisher needs to be refillable, or extremely lower price
an item that costs that many resources (the 20 steel alone is insane) and is effectively a consumable is total nonsense, you should be able to refill it with Oxite or ...
[Suggestion] Gold Filament
Make electronics use 1 Gold Filament, make Gold ore craft 10 Gold Filament
A 1lb Gold bar should make a HELL of alot more than 1 electronic component
Polar bears need serious nerfing.
Polar bears are way too overpowered, everyone who's played this game knows that.
Not only do they have x10 the health of bears, but you also can't 70% of the time ...
[Suggestion] Balance resources dropped per animal
It feels like the size and threat of animals plays no role in how many resources they drop. Bears should drop SIGNIFICANTLY more meat, leather, bone, and fur than ...
Next Level Workshop Drills and/or Radar
Would be willing to pay twice the price for a more accurate Workshop Radar and/or a next level drill that was an additional 33% faster...
[Bug] Inaris "Lua" Envirosuit is underpowered, needs buff
As it is right now, the Lua suit takes away 5 slots for one extra mod slot. However, suit mods are kinda useless rn, since they don't have very powerful buffs by ...
[Suggestion] Scale Ren Repair Costs
Currently repairing any workshop item costs the same amount of ren, no matter how damaged the item is. I propose that the cost scales linearly based on damage.
For ...
[Suggestion] Organic residue cleanser balance
Animals on Prometheus drop items that can be cleaned at the organic residue cleanser. The concept of this is awesome, it just needs some help. So far, none of the ...
[Suggestion] Wolf Packs (size and rarity)
Another suggestion, was thinking about the wolves in this game and put a bit of thought into how we could improve/change them, my suggestion is that we have bigger ...
[Bug] High Tier Exotic Tools Breakdown Fast!
The new tools added previously that require a bunch of exotic to learn and then craft breakdown way too fast. The pickaxe that cost 1500 exotic in total breaks ...
Polar Bears
You can dodge all animals in the game except a polar bear??? These things are way past me and I am easily 10 feet away and they trigger the attack and I take damage ...
[Suggestion] Carved Wood Bed should be cheaper or better
Compare the Carved Wood Bed to the regular Wooden Bed - it requires more materials and provides a slightly shorter buff duration. It should either be cheaper than the ...
Increase t-bone drop rate for missions
The drop rate for t-bones is too low to be a mission component considering bears are not as numerous as wolves. I have spent an entire day trying to hunt bears to get ...
Tier 2 water collection/distribution
Add the ability to capture water from a water fall with a rain reservoir and distribute it from there by making iron or copper pipes, or for a more primitive ...
[Suggestion] Repair requires too much stamina
Repair requires too much stamina, running uses stamina at a slower rate than repairing and that is not quite right.
[Suggestion] Rebalance T3 Tools (is platinum worth it?)
Proposal: Remove platinum tools and bump Steel up to be the defacto T3 tool instead of acting as a T2.5 tool
Result: We have a more clear transition between tool ...
[Suggestion] Make player name view distance further
At current I feel the distance from which you can see other prospectors names is too short.
[Suggestion] Talent tree rework (Roles vs Tool based)
First off, I love focusing on team based PVE. I think Talents could have a very big hand in setting up the game to be played by teams. The current talents are to be ...
Its become too much of a group game
I returned for styx but was met with a meat grinder. There are people who play the game solo and the game is simply no longer fun for us. I "get" the need to please ...
[Suggestion] Bedrolls and Bed QOL suggestion
Bedrolls should not require shelter if they require a campfire, and beds should not require a campfire and instead require only shelter.
options or slider for number of animals and their behavior
I suggest there be an option to adjust the number of animals and to address their behavior. For example, current levels of predators for the amount of game available ...
[Suggestion] Options for Flashlight Brightness
Can we have an adjuster for the flashlight, like different modes?
Maybe "Low", "Mid", "High"?
Right now its "Right click for ON", maybe right click once for Low, ...
[Suggestion] Rebalancing of Wooden Buffalo Cart
Suggestion: The buffalo cart is a great addition to the game, but could really do with some rebalancing.
1) To me, there's no reasonable explanation for the ...
[Suggestion] Rebalancing geysers and condensers - Part 1 of 2
I had experience with the condenser, in the open world knowing that in the open world it doesn't generate exotics, only enzymes for statues, so far so good, but I had ...
Mining drill balance issues
Due to the significantly slow time the drill runs I’d have to wait around for hours upon hours for it to be useful. It’s just not at all practical. It needs a) 4 ...
[Suggestion] Brazier lighting is greatly inferior to wall torch
Brazier tech depends on getting the wall torch first, and the brazier is more expensive to craft. The tooltip describes the brazier as an "open source of light," but ...
Consumable stack sizes not consistent
I noticed that certain consumables, like vegetables/fruits stack nicely in raw form but once cooked only stack to 10 instead of the regular stack size for the raw ...
[Suggestion] Higher Tier Chests Should Have More Space
Higher tier chests that cost more expensive resources to make should have a bit more space than lower tiers to make it worth my while to make. The fancy chests are ...
Horde mode unplayable, waves not triggering - stuck or missing animals
I tried horde mode solo on geyser in L12 on Livewire scan mission. Animals kept getting stuck behind rocks or wandered off. I spent two in game days trying to make ...
[Suggestion] T4 Electric Radar - make chargeable
The T4 radar is singularly unwieldy to use. It requires power, which means setting up a generator (or panel), wiring it, and then using it, then picking up the ...