Report Bugs, Issues and Suggestions Here!
Welcome to Icarus' Bugs and Suggestions Board!
Please make sure to be CLEAR and CONCISE when providing your feedback on bugs and issues. Feel free to add photos, or links to videos or drives for more information. We will be using google translate to edit any suggestions not in English.
Before you write a new suggestion, try searching a few keywords, and you might find another suggestion that matches yours. We will only be considering suggestions that have a high number of upvotes, and will not be looking at low voted or low detail tickets. Messages on our social medias or discord will not be officially considered. However, our discord contains many experienced prospectors that would be happy to try assist you with an issue before posting here to help us out.
We will try to reflect the status of each ticket as soon as we can.
We cannot promise all bugs will be fixed asap, but we will prioritize which are most pressing, so search for your issue before you post!
If there is a critical bug or issue, we will let you know on our Twitter @SurviveIcarus if we need to make a fix while you are playing.
Please make sure to be CLEAR and CONCISE when providing your feedback on bugs and issues. Feel free to add photos, or links to videos or drives for more information. We will be using google translate to edit any suggestions not in English.
Before you write a new suggestion, try searching a few keywords, and you might find another suggestion that matches yours. We will only be considering suggestions that have a high number of upvotes, and will not be looking at low voted or low detail tickets. Messages on our social medias or discord will not be officially considered. However, our discord contains many experienced prospectors that would be happy to try assist you with an issue before posting here to help us out.
We will try to reflect the status of each ticket as soon as we can.
We cannot promise all bugs will be fixed asap, but we will prioritize which are most pressing, so search for your issue before you post!
If there is a critical bug or issue, we will let you know on our Twitter @SurviveIcarus if we need to make a fix while you are playing.
[Suggestion] Firepit Cooking several items at once
The graphics for the fire pit shows a spit that indicates 3 pieces of meat hanging over the fire at one time. My suggestion is let it actually do that. Make it ...
[Suggestion] Salting station tier 3 and 4
There is only a basic (tier2) salting station in game. Is ok, but when you advance, in late game, salting station looks ancient in a tier 4 kitchen .
Please ...
[Suggestion] Wine and beer should be added to the fridge
After brewing beer I cant put it into the fridge.
Thats bad.
[Suggestion] Add Ice drinks
you have drinks that make you warmer for in the ice (hot coffee/tea/coco), but nothing to make you cooler for in the hot. you need iced tea, ice coffee, and ice coco ...
[Suggestion] Spicy food that gives heat buff
It would be great if we had other options for a cold resistance other than beverages since those are tier 3 with the thermos.
Maybe add a spicy pepper you can use ...
[Suggestion] Tech Tree - Food Rework
Proposed rework of the Tech Tree in relation to Food:
- Cooking Station, Kitchen Bench -- Food prep only.
- Potbelly Stove, Biofuel Stove -- Stovetop cooking only. ...
[Suggestion] Add Meat broth
Using meat and bones and using a cooking pot over a fire to create a nice warm meal for your trips into the artic. Would give a nice buff for staying warm in artic.
Increase t-bone drop rate for missions
The drop rate for t-bones is too low to be a mission component considering bears are not as numerous as wolves. I have spent an entire day trying to hunt bears to get ...
[Suggestion] Food recipes compendium
It would be nice, similarly to the bestiart, to have a page that summarizes food recipes and maybe a way to find/filter/order the best food for specific topics ...
Consumable stack sizes not consistent
I noticed that certain consumables, like vegetables/fruits stack nicely in raw form but once cooked only stack to 10 instead of the regular stack size for the raw ...
[Bug] Can not place bread dough into icebox
I noticed that I couldn't put bread dough into the icebox.
[Suggestion] New Food Source: RICE
I feel rice would be a nice addition to this game. You can use it for various recipes such as: Rice balls, Rice bowls, or add some raw fish to make poke bowls. ...
Rhubarb Pie
On behalf of all Americans and National Public Radio, I would like to express my outrage that there is no rhubarb pie.
Moa Egg
Either spawns in nests or just drops from wild adult Moa. A rarer cooking ingredient that lets you make omelettes and the like.
Mmmmn. Mushroom omelette.
[Bug] Prepared food still rotting in properly powered freezers over multiple logins
I saw this bug as "done" elsewhere, but it is not done, it's still happening.
Turbine powered freezers containing food will fully rot to spoiled food over a period ...
[Suggestion] Split items cook at the same time at a fireplace
If I have 10 slots at a fireplace, I would fill them 7 with (per ex.) fish and all 7 fish would be ready at the same time.
tier 4 food dehydrator
to preserve or construct seed packets and MREs for long term storage solutions and for possible sale to the space station as a commodity. Could also dehydrate corm ...
[Suggestion] Ability to put any kind of liquid into liquid storage devices/Dedicated Liquid Storages
Waterskin, Canteen, Thermos, Whatever else can hold liquids - Let us put the liquid of our choice (water, beer, wine, gasoline, soups, chili, gumbo, that one wolf's ...
[Bug] Flatbread and Bread Dough recipe "MAX" button ignores water requirement
On the herbalism bench, the flatbread and bread dough recipes show the water requirement but clicking the MAX button sets the quantity to that of the flour and / or ...
[Bug] Strawberry yield is way, way too high from crop plots
Harvesting a single crop plots worth of strawberries can yield 60+ strawberries, which is vastly, vastly more than any other food item except wheat (which ...
[Suggestion] Corn flour
Corn is abundant in the game - at least on Olympus. Would it make sense to make flour from corn? In many cultures corn was used for this purpose where whet was not ...
[Suggestion] Add New Foods
LAMINGTONS are from New Zealand! Coconut with coca and flour!!! Omelettes, burritos, Moa nuggets, NUGGETS, Scorpion Dumplings. scorpion cocktail, scorpian skewer, ...
[Suggestion] Add Popcorn
Add recipe to pop corn in fire and/or stove.
[Suggestion] Berry picker tool
With the expectation of more/different types of berries being added, how about a dedicated berry picker/berry comb ? been used back to pre-stone age and easily built ...
No raw steak or white meat in SP
i'm not getting any raw steak from elephants, or the white meat from boars that was suppose to be in the latest up. This is on SINGLEPLAYER; not sure about multiplayer
[Suggestion] Cured Bacon
Cured Bacon is salted raw bacon dried on the drying rack. I leave it up to you for buffs. But something in the dried meats line would work nicely.
Oversalted Food
When salting RAW foods they have to be resalted when cooked this breaks Player Immersion and Realism
[Bug] Advanced Order: Stockpile no fish
no fish in my map,i check every water area
so i can't make the 75 crumbed fish fillets
[Suggestion] Suggestion on "Coffee"
I feel that Coffee Beans should be dried on the drying rack or smoker first (maybe if done in a smoker it becomes smoked coffee) and then processed into coffee grinds ...
[Suggestion] Make food slot better in exo suit
food slot will only consume the food whenever the food's buff runs out. This will make it so that you don't consume all the food each time your hunger goes down, and ...
[Bug] Swapping refrigeration Backpack with full one
When my refrigeration backpack is empty and I need to swap it with a full one. I can't just put it directly into my slot. I have to take the other one off first which ...
[Suggestion] Flatbread Dough Should be used more
Flatbread dough is only used to make Flatbread only. Why not use the flat bread for the Shepherds Roll, Vegetable Roll, and Savory roll instead of the pastry dough.
Buff for food cooked with homegrown ingredients
It would be nice if, when having spent points on improving your farming skill, this would also affect the food you cook. When cooking with buffed ingredients, it ...
[Suggestion] When splitting items with expiry the second stack splits with same timer
I get that the first item of each stack expires one at the time, but with that logic when we split said stack into smaller stacks the smaller stacks should then split ...
[Bug] Bread dough not available
Bread Dough recipy is missing from every kitchen bench. Only flatbread dough can be made.
(Bread Dough for the muffin and pumpkin bread)
(Water, Yeast and Flour ...
[Bud] Crop Plot Tooltip is to Small
The ToolTip of the Cropplot is to Small if a lot of Buffs for the Crop plot are unlocked.
[Suggestion] Food inventory slots
It would be nice if we had dedicated food slots(in accordance with how many stomach slots are available to the character) that work in the same way the oxygen and ...
Longer Food buffs from table.
Added food buff duration if food item is eaten near table.
[Suggestion] Add iron Cauldron for storing ready to eat meals
Item name: Cauldron
-Used to store your next meal buffs; 4 in total 4 slots in a square to emphasize 4 square meals :)
-Meal slots disallow stacking; only 1 item ...
[Suggestion] New Food & Creating Recipes
New Tech Tree:
- Advanced Dryer (meat/cheese)
- Smoker (meat/cheese)
- Milk Pail --> Milk Machine
- Aquaponics System (fish)
- Rabbit Hutch (rabbit)
- Grinding ...
[Suggestion] Seed bread
Seed bread should have the same modifier (+15-30%) as other vegetarian food when you have the Vegetarian skill/talent activated in the cooking/farming tree.
[Suggestion] Other meats on campfire/fire pit
when you are going to roast raw meat, the animation of the meat appearing on the grill appears and they make piles of ready-made meat, but when you are going to ...
Raw, "Salted", food, should come out with a "Seasoned" tag
Would provide an additional reason to use the salt table. Specific buffs left for devs to decide.
eggs from moa
would it be possible to get prime meat items from moa as an egg so we can have bacon and eggs? just a thought me and a friend had.
[Suggestion] Add upgrade path for Crop Plots
Allow Wooden Crop Plots to be upgraded to Iron Crop Plots and so on up the tech tree when aiming Repair Hammer at them and the necessary crafting ingredients are in ...
Cannot harvest from an Iron crop plot
I have an outpost where a few of my Iron crop plots I can no longer harvest from. And I cannot pick them up to get rid of the growing item. The growth bar is 100% ...
Cheese Burger!
Well, we've got bread, some meat - just let's use soy to make plant-based cheese and we have a lot of new recipee option. Like Cheese Burger.
Pumpkin Pie
This game has pumpkins. This game also has pie. It's meant to be.
To be serious, pumpkin pie would be a nice extra recipe to add to the game for the purposes of ...