Report Bugs, Issues and Suggestions Here!
Welcome to Icarus' Bugs and Suggestions Board!
Please make sure to be CLEAR and CONCISE when providing your feedback on bugs and issues. Feel free to add photos, or links to videos or drives for more information. We will be using google translate to edit any suggestions not in English.
Before you write a new suggestion, try searching a few keywords, and you might find another suggestion that matches yours. We will only be considering suggestions that have a high number of upvotes, and will not be looking at low voted or low detail tickets. Messages on our social medias or discord will not be officially considered. However, our discord contains many experienced prospectors that would be happy to try assist you with an issue before posting here to help us out.
We will try to reflect the status of each ticket as soon as we can.
We cannot promise all bugs will be fixed asap, but we will prioritize which are most pressing, so search for your issue before you post!
If there is a critical bug or issue, we will let you know on our Twitter @SurviveIcarus if we need to make a fix while you are playing.
Please make sure to be CLEAR and CONCISE when providing your feedback on bugs and issues. Feel free to add photos, or links to videos or drives for more information. We will be using google translate to edit any suggestions not in English.
Before you write a new suggestion, try searching a few keywords, and you might find another suggestion that matches yours. We will only be considering suggestions that have a high number of upvotes, and will not be looking at low voted or low detail tickets. Messages on our social medias or discord will not be officially considered. However, our discord contains many experienced prospectors that would be happy to try assist you with an issue before posting here to help us out.
We will try to reflect the status of each ticket as soon as we can.
We cannot promise all bugs will be fixed asap, but we will prioritize which are most pressing, so search for your issue before you post!
If there is a critical bug or issue, we will let you know on our Twitter @SurviveIcarus if we need to make a fix while you are playing.
[Suggestion] Extended Surveys are not it
As much as we love more content, please stop making us extended surveys. Anything else would be great but another plopping down 4 beacons down and to watch netflix to ...
[Bug] Wet Work: Extermination
The boss never shows up.
I did all the previous steps.
[Suggestion] Character rescue missions for prospectors who get left behind
In my opinion failure should add content, not reset it or take it away.
So my suggestion is that when you are unable to get back to your drop pod by the end of ...
[Suggestion] Tell us the full mission info
For example:
when you land the mission is go to A B C
when you reach A, then the object tell you put the material in the pod.
Change ...
[Suggestion] Big Mission but...
I was thinking about a big 90 days mission with a ton of tasks to do like hunting, stockpile, build, scan ecc. Mission should be so big even if we play 2h a day it ...
[Bug] Mammoth Archytus disappeared when killed
My friend and I tried to finish the mission "Clean Up: Hardcore Elimination" (Hunt an artic Titan)
When we finished to hunt the mammoth Archytus, he just disapeared ...
Randomized Bonus Objectives Mid-Mission
Objectives in Icarus often feel one-track. You show up, do the objective, and leave. If you have the time, maybe you drill the exotics as well. A randomized bonus ...
[Bug] Spirit Level: Survey - Still Bugged even after the new update. (Normal mode)
Spirit Level: Survey - Still Bugged (Normal mode)
I got the Portable beacon from the blue box and the quest is still stuck on Collect the equipment. Can't progress ...
[Bug] SMPL3 mission drop pods not showing up
This has, so far, occurred in SMPL3 missions where you are supposed to deliver farm or tools-related supplies to a supply pod. The pod that is supposed to drop down ...
[Bug] Vapor Condensor stuck
Hi devs,
I found these two topics related to this issue, but I confess that since they're pretty old, maybe this glitch isn't under consideration anymore. ...
[Bug] Missing drop ship for Meridian: Extraction Mission
My friends and I have attempted this mission on 5 different occasions. The experimental mining equipment pod that we're supposed to add materials to disappears after ...
[Suggestion] Some Mission Proposals Part One
Proposal 1: A preparation type mission that takes place at the station itself, we get to space walk outside of the station in order to repair or install something we ...
Add more optional rewards to missions.
I really enjoy this game but the missions seem too one dimensional. I would love to see some extra optional steps added to missions or even extra challenges to make ...
[Suggestion] Solo players should receive bonus rewards on missions
The difficulty for 2 players doing a mission versus solo scales to hardcore.
We should receive at least a 10% bonus rewards to be fair.
[Bug] Various Seven PIllars Reports
Currently stuck on mission, Seven pillars: Scan, died and stuff is now in cliff and can not get to this has made it where i can not complete this mission or get my ...
Forsaken: recovery Game breaking glitch
Dont know what caused it, tried googling and watched a few videos to see if maybe I did something wrong but i repaired the ship parts/refueled/ and killed the ...
Out of Bounds death
Was doing the mission Arctic: Expedition and because there is an Out of Bounds area on one of the two paths we need to take, I tried to run through it and died. Now ...
[Bug] Geo Survey Mission Transmitter
I am not 100% sure this is a bug, but if it isn't I think it should react differently. I got kicked the moment I hit 100% with the transmitter and had to go back to ...
Mission Chaining
I've posted this on steam already with the same title and has more explanation compared to here due to the text limit., but figure it'd do better here for people to ...
[Bug] Miasmic Research Mission quest doesn't update with bench
In the mission Miasmic Research, the quest will not update although I have placed down and powered the Advanced Alteration Bench. All other required items updated ...
[Suggestion] Improve Open World Mission Rewards
What we have in Wk50 is in the right direction (love the arrival/departure rockets), but rewards are poor compared to time and/or materials involved in fulfilling ...
[Bug] Supply stockpile drop pod invisible upon resuming a hosted session
When loading back into a new supply stockpile missions session hosted by a friend the drop pods (if already discovered) is no longer visible, you can still access it ...
Voyager: Recovery ship launched, mission is not complete
We did the mission Voyager: Recovery, fixed the ship parts, charged, launched and mission does not count as complete. We have tried to re-log, change host, nothing ...
[Suggestion] Icestorm: expedition polar bears nerf
They can:
- Take over 5 sniper shots to head (crit) and not die
- Break concrete block in 3 hits
- Run fast and can kill you in two hits
- Spawn almost instantly ...
Make all Mission Unlocks account wide
Missions such as Unearthed: Research have recipes that are currently unlocked per-character. When creating a new character, unlocking all of the existing blueprints ...
[Suggestion] Allow to carry on the map with additional mission
There's a feeling when you end a mission that this is kinda too abrupt of an ending and that the latest tiers you just built are useful for a very short time.
I was ...
Rain collector in the desert / Pyramid mission
One of the four items you need to build for the Pyramid construction mission is a rain collector. This is funny, because it doesn't actually work in the desert.
So, ...
[Bug] KILL LIST: Extermination - no corpse
the quest objective "investigate the corpse" has no corpse to investigate. any solution? or is restart mission the fix?
Waterfall : Again, DEVS, solo is near impossible
It took me 5 mission days to retrieve my body. I made it so close I could see the spot I needed to place the scanner. Every time I came out of that gauntlet thin ...
Elephants not dropping Giant Steak - Over 30 killed and 0 received
I am doing the Preservation: Stockpile mission with my son, in the desert.
Trying to get all the different types of meat. We have killed hundreds of animals, and ...
[Bug] Searchlight Scan : Glazier 3rd Scan spot bugged
There is no spot for the last scan. Searched the whole rock from top to bottom but there is no spot to put the scanner . Also searched the whole proximity and didnt ...
[Bug] Zephyr Expedition, radar snap point missing, mission impossible to complete
Currently on Zephyr: Expedition, no mods, current version. Neither of the radar snap points are present, so I cannot start this mission. I've got the radar, ...
Allow us to start a new missions while still on planet
The whole whiping mechanism and lack of actual multipart missions currently does not play nicely with the tiers and base building.
What if I just finished a mission ...
[Bug] Geo- Survey third supply crate did not spawn
I found and set up radars on points beta and gamma, but the supply crate on point alpha is nowhere to be found. There is no marker for it on the map as well. I found ...
[Bug] Livewire - Terrain Scan
2nd scan location is bugged, I have managed to complete the 1st and 3rd location. As you can see from the attached screenshot It is not giving me the markers for the ...
Missions should have a hub and spoke design
1 central mission with several missions spoked off it. Keep your base for all those missions. Drop to same location on all those missions. Missions range from easy to ...
[Bug] Mission difficulty not visible when joining a session
When joining a prospect already in progress, there is no indication of the mission difficulty settings. All we see are the available options with nothing selected.
[Bug] Dry Run: Expedition
First of all, there are clearly a lot of people having issues here. I reviewed all the other suggestions, and nothing seems to exactly fit the issue I have.
Note: ...
[Bug] Gyroscope Disappeared in Forsaken: Recovery
I am currently playing the Forsaken: Recovery mission. I have almost 6 hours into this mission and I'm right at the end. I have filled the fuel tank and gotten the ...
Mission Unearthed - pod is WAY too far from the analyzer
When you start the mission, the pod drops you at the top left of the map...and you have to walk the whole map just to reach the analyzer that is on the bottom right. ...
[Bug] Mission Recovery: Stolen Items Bugged
The Prometheus mission Recovery: Stolen Items is bugged as it tells you to go to the location marked on your map but it doesn't actually mark your map or tell you ...
[Bug Report] Deep Vein: Extraction not recognizing exotics being added to the drop pod
When you CTRL click on the exotics in your inventory to add them to the dropship it is not recognized as completing the mission objective. If you drag the exotics ...
[Bug] Kill List: extermination
i really need to be doing something wrong here. this mission is available as a 3rd mission, from the very first moment someone starts playing the game. i'm only ...
Voyager Recovery Bug
Pile Of corpses does not spawn.
The bear spawned when we approached the area on the map, but no pile of corpses was found. Have looked everywhere, under rocks, up ...
[Bug] Uplift: Bio-research
Geode is showing up as Silicon and has been uninteractive regardless of the time of day. Unable to complete mission.
[Bug] Wet Work Hardcore Extermination
It is broken, will not let me advance the story when reaching pile of bones
[Suggestion] Agroculture Supply Stockpile / Every type of meat should be accepted
Hello. I think every type of meat should be accepted to the supply ship in this mission. As a solo player at this moment i need to collect 600 Cooked Meat. Supply ...
[Bug] Sandy Bridges | Extended Survey - progress timer reversed
Hi team,
I hope no-one is working on the weekend :D
I found a bug in the mission called:
Sandy Bridges | Extended Survey
The progress timer was displaying the ...
[Bug] Body Disappears, cannot complete mission without mission item. Does not reset
2nd mission (scanning locations), died with scanner. Returned to location of body, nothing. Searched for 30+ minutes, definately not in the area. Returned to supply ...
[Suggestion] - SMPL3 decline QoL
Instead of accepting then abandoning SMPL3 missions., Can we get within the UI a Decline button, rerolls them and gives us the 600 second countdown? Just save us some ...