[Suggestion] Confirm button to learn new skills/talents
I understand and support not having re-spec available but I feel like if simply clicking on the talent/tech tree skill locks you into that selection, that there is a lot of potential for undesired skills/talents being learned via miss-click. I would recommend simply having a "Confirm" button on the bottom right of the menu if a change new skill/talent has been selected.
If this is implemented you could also make it so that left click will add a skill point to the skill/talent and right click would take it away, making it easy to either undo a miss-click or to theorycraft out a progression with a bank of points.
Comments: 123
29 Aug, '21
Jim MergedI accidentally clicked a tech tree or talent Item and there was no confirmation. Perhaps we allocate the points then click "Set Tech Tree" or "Set Talents" button to confirm.
29 Aug, '21
Iteration 827 MergedSometimes I accidentally drop my knife while skinning animals or moving carcasses. It is usually impossible to find the knife after it is dropped in the wild, so I have to craft a new one. I would like to be able to lock the knife to my bar, so that pressing the wrong button wouldn't cause it to be dropped.
30 Aug, '21
James MergedAgree. No point in making an upgraded knife as it will almost certainly be accidentally throw somewhere soon after...
30 Aug, '21
Bob MergedFrantic fingers can drop your weapon at inopportune moments. Shift-Q would limit this undesired activity.
31 Aug, '21
FrigusSeconded. I had quite a few times where I regretted immediately after clicking. Sometimes it was changing my mind and others I thought it would unlock the next tier.
31 Aug, '21
Dave MergedOk, so its fat-fingers on my part to accidentally drop something now, but I'd like it to be a more deliberate act/key combo to drop things.
31 Aug, '21
Savage Corsair MergedOh my god, yes. The default mapping for dropping items needs to change.
08 Sep, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"[Suggestion] Add Confirmation When Selecting Talents or Tech Tree" (suggested by Jim on 2021-08-29), including upvotes (3) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
11 Sep, '21
Jonathan A Baker Mergedadd ui element to confirm whether or not you want to drop the equipped item. i have accidentally dropped important weapons and tools and had them fall through the ground
11 Sep, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"[suggestion] Confirm dropping equipped items" (suggested by Jonathan A Baker on 2021-09-11), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
12 Sep, '21
Adam MergedI like the idea of a locked bar, either individual slots or even lock everything except the "G" slot.
At the very least, some form of delay on dropping items would be a big help - that could be a confirmation, or even a "hold Q" similar to the way X must be held to pick up deployables. Dropping your knife only to watch it vanish under the ground is frustrating. -
12 Sep, '21
Wimbo MergedI have accidently thrown my knife a few times now and each time I have, it goes underground and cannot be found unless I accurately hover the location underground it sits. (See images)
12 Sep, '21
Ximias Merged"I misclicked RMB from the top of my base. Bye knife."
I would appreciate if thrown items could be highlighted so I stand a chance of finding these items again. -
14 Sep, '21
cmicroc MergedShift-Q would not really help since "Shift" is the run modifier, so you are constantly using Shift-W...
14 Sep, '21
Psy MergedHighlight the outline of thrown knives on the ground, before you get to them. to make it easier to find them. It's mostly impossible trying to retrieve thrown knives that miss the target. This could be a skill requiring a talent point. Although it should be early on in the knife talent table, as this will mostly benefit new players.
14 Sep, '21
Diffedge MergedOr just make them stackable by 5
15 Sep, '21
Falconburger MergedThis a million times. I think I've lost three iron axes to accidental mouse clicks!. I didn't even notice it'd been dropped or thrown so there must not have been much sound feedback on the action. That or they just disappeared from my inventory.
Perhaps 'throw' needs to be held to power up how hard you throw it so that accidental clicks don't lose your gear. -
15 Sep, '21
PcItalian MergedI re-bound drop to the backspace button. Simple fix...
15 Sep, '21
Falconburger MergedFind thrown anything... I've lost a few expensive tools to the q drop button. that or they just disappeared. No noticeable feedback on the drop and being unable to find dropped item afterward sucks. Perhaps a highlight interactable tools in range button.
16 Sep, '21
swis MergedI threw a knife at the floor had to go under floor to get it back.
16 Sep, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Knife from being thrown sticks too far in ground too get back." (suggested by swis on 2021-09-16), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
17 Sep, '21
James MergedYes agree. Making higher quality knives at this point is a waste of resources as it will inevitably disappear.
24 Sep, '21
JoewAlabel MergedThis would not be necessary IF YOUR DROPPED ITEM DOES NOT DISAPPEAR FROM THE MAP.
Instead lock items to prevent drop, fix the bug that the dropped item disappears. SO you can pick it back if u dropped wrong.
And please one option to change the key to drop the item. Q is just left from W and upper than A, all kkeys that u uses to move, so its very easy you hit Q by accident... -
25 Sep, '21
James Spano Mergedwhen throwing the steel knife it disappears through the ground
26 Sep, '21
Alex MergedI tried with 4 different steel knives, they all fall trough the terrain when thrown. Also, they do not stick to wood walls/doors/etc.
26 Sep, '21
Loz MergedAccidently dropped a steel knife in shallow water - cannot pick it up
26 Sep, '21
stormfury MergedTwice we had the steel knife appear in a vertical direction but can’t be interacted with. On one occasion I dropped to ground so our skinner could pick up. The second he was trying to place in hot bar from inventory and it disappeared from inventory and appeared floating in sky in front of him.
26 Sep, '21
Mike Grogg MergedI just made a steel knife and while equipping it I hit the right-mouse button and threw it down inside my base. I was standing on a stone foundation looking at a medium wood crate and the knife disappeared through the crate. Normally, I would find a knife I threw on the ground in front of me but in this case it completely disappeared. Was not on the crate or behind or underneath the crate on the floor. Bug for sure.
26 Sep, '21
Louis White MergedThe Knife skill has a lot to do with throwing the knives can we at least get them to stack so we don't have 15 knives in the inventory taking up space, or at least make a special throwable knife craftable
26 Sep, '21
Yearn MergedIt happened two times that my Iron Knife disappeared when attacking a chamois while moving and jumping. Pressed attack and then my hand and the item slot was empty, only the faint outline of the knife remained.
I didn't drop the knife accidentally as I remapped the Drop Key away from my Movement Keys. -
27 Sep, '21
Ranmas MergedI accidentally thew 4 steel knives in beta weekend 3 before I got fed up with it and gave up.
There was no possible way to retrieve them after they have been thrown and hit the ground. They simply pass through the ground or are instantly broken.
So there are a few possible solutions to this issue.
1. you can't throw knives. Why would you want to? The resource requirements for them are outrageous using resources that are already stressed to begin with.
2. be able to change the button config so throwing knives are on their own button.
3. put some cheap throwing knives in game to make. Why would you use these over a bow and arrow, or just slash/stab the mob...
4. make it so the knives behave like the arrows do, With each tier having less and less of a chance of breaking when thrown. (stone 40%, bone 25%, Iron 10%, Steel 5% and titanium 0% chance to break when thrown.
Give us more than 1,000 characters to leave feedback. There was not enough room here -
27 Sep, '21
Ausmarvin Mergedwould be good, better still .. Stop dropped items from falling through ground..
27 Sep, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Find Thrown Knives" (suggested by Psy on 2021-09-14), including upvotes (5) and comments (4), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Sep, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"steel knife" (suggested by James Spano on 2021-09-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Sep, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Lost a steel knife by accidentally throwing it" (suggested by Mike Grogg on 2021-09-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Sep, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Knife stacking" (suggested by Louis White on 2021-09-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Sep, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Highlight thrown items" (suggested by Ximias on 2021-09-12), including upvotes (5) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Sep, '21
wolfie MergedWay to many glitches with dropping items and not being able to find them or not being able to picking them up ex. knives spears and crafting glitches using all mats for just 1 set of items made it impossible to have enough ore. 4 people and we cleaned out almost 30 caves of ore
27 Sep, '21
Just Icarus MergedThe steel Knife sometimes falls to the ground and you are unable to pick it back up. The knife is always pointed sharp end to the sky and no matter what you do no one in the session can pick it up. It then shortly disappears. You cannot hover over it and see highlighted information about it either. This seems to happen quite often and they also fall through the ground also.
27 Sep, '21
Marilith MergedThis looks like the knife on the ground problem thread so here we go! I hit the wrong button while holding a steel knife (I frequently have it in hand because of the running with knives talent) and dropped it. It didn't fall through the ground so no biggie, right? Well, despite it floating blade up, perfectly visible just off the ground, there was no way to highlight it to pick up, no matter what angle I tried. Steel was quite precious to me at the time so I kept trying up until it eventually disappeared, presumably due to that passive degradation most things have when sitting outside. I don't know if it behaves the same way if intentionally thrown and thus the issue is in the dropping or if the problem is with the object itself not having whatever quality makes it interactable.
27 Sep, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Steel knife Glitch" (suggested by Just Icarus on 2021-09-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Sep, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Steel knife no longer accessible" (suggested by stormfury on 2021-09-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Sep, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Steel Knife Can't be picked up once dropped" (suggested by Max on 2021-09-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Sep, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Iron knife disappeared" (suggested by Yearn on 2021-09-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Sep, '21
Beylie MergedLost my steel knife in a cave by throwing it by mistake (please let us choose a key for throwing items). It just went missing and because there was a cavity below the floor, there was no way I could find it or get it back.
27 Sep, '21
sKRiBEL MergedIf you drop a Steel Knife with the drop key, it becomes frozen slightly above the ground and is impossible to pick up. I have fat-fingered the Q key a couple of times and lost three Steel Knives to this bug. I'm not sure if other items are affected, but I haven't noticed it on any others so far.
27 Sep, '21
Robert MergedSteel knives were not recoverable when dropped with 'Q' key or when thrown. Bone knife did not appear to have same issue. Other knives were not tested.
27 Sep, '21
Indigo MergedDropped it in the snow biome for a friend to skin a polar bear. The knife floated perfectly vertical just above the snow, but we were unable to interact with it. Knife was ultimately lost/despawned.
28 Sep, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Steel Knives Disappearing/Unrecoverable" (suggested by Robert on 2021-09-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
28 Sep, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Dropped Steel Knife on ground, it floated in place vertically, and wasn't able to pick it back up." (suggested by Indigo on 2021-09-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.