[Suggestion] Animal spawn points too regular
After being in a drop for more than a few hours it's very easy to see the patterns of animal spawning - would be good to get these a little more randomised and less predictable
E.g. Could relatively consistently go to location x and find two wolves to kill, location y would have a bear each time.
Comments: 3
13 Sep, '21
DiffedgeAlso the animal population is too dense, cut it by half and then give a bit more xp and meat for successfully pulling off a kill and skin. No reason, one should only get a couple pieces of meat on an elk like animal. Make them rare, and hard to kill. Add bunnies, and traps for easy kills and xp. Def needs to be more challenge and reward in this area. Also the animal AI is 1990s at best guys common.
20 Sep, '21
RRiAdditionnaly, it would be good to restrict (or encourage) bear spawning to a few areas based on terrain features.
Caves obviously would have a great, but not guaranteed chance at having a bear in the area, as well as river/ponds, and small rock formations.
Out in the open and far from those, very small chance of encoutering a bear.
I get that's it is somewhat opposed to what you suggested, still it's a relevant topic in need of some work. -
12 Oct, '21
SolidMP15I believe that a lot could be done to “fix” animal spawning. The wolves could be set to respawn at night 1800-0400 or something like that.
Please put a radius and timer on the respawn cycle of animals to encourage people to move around more.
As it is there is too much interaction with wildlife that hinders map exploration due to difficulty and /or lack of incentives.