[Suggestion] Portable Shelter
It'd be cool to have small, temporary shelters that don't require investing too many tech tree points into building them, such as a tent or similar.
I'm playing with a friend focusing on base and shelter building while I focus more on exploration, hunting, and mining. I don't want to invest points into the tech tree items that would let me build temporary shelters because it feels like a waste and overkill.
I need something that would let me wait out a storm or give some protection against cold when combined with a campfire. I know hollowing out boulders is an option, but that feels like a bit of a hack.
From a roleplaying viewpoint, I consider my character like a backpacker, and you would expect them to build little survival shelters or carry a tent or other quickly deployable shelter.
Comments: 66
13 Sep, '21
Jeremy MergedIt would be useful to be able to build tents, tarps and or hammocks etc. If we wish to do more exploring across the map/ travel around it would be great to set up camp for the night or during a storm. So we don't get caught out in the middle of nowhere.
6 -
27 Sep, '21
MongoTents would be great to have a temporary (no respawn set) bed for sleeping through the night, particularly when you have a long run through an area to get to a target such as the mammoth. Hauling up in a cave and chewing antibiotics and building a couple of roofs to put a bed under felt cheesy.
I would say that they should not be able to withstand anything greater than a light winds type storm or have it on a scale
Lean-to: Fibre - No storm protection
Tent: rope + Leather + Fur - Withstands light wind
Arctic Swag: add in Carbon fibre - Withstands light wind
Desert Swag: add in something for sand filtration - Withstands light wind
Super Swag: Some tier 4 materials - has durability like standard construction
It could be a talent in the base moving cost reduction tree or solo tree. -
12 Oct, '21
Andre MergedNo need. Hollow out a boulder when you 1st drop. Save your points for a "bare minimum" wood house to hold you over for stone. Skip thatch or any other "temp" house because things move to fast and you'll waste badly needed skill points. 2 storage chest and a sleeping bag fit inside the 1st large boulder I dropped in next to. Storms never touched me.
2 -
26 Oct, '21
John MergedYou got a bedroll down inside a boulder? nice.
I also suggest animal hide tents as a temp shelter we can use, maybe very early on aswell but mainly as a quick shelter we can move with us while exploring. We can do this by building and unbuilding small wooden buildings but a tent as a single item would also be nice.
I was thinking 3 sizes of tents, small being just big eough for a player and a campfire and/or mortor&pestle and similar small items. possibly even so small that you cant move around inside and use an animation to get in and out.
Medium being big enough for atleast 2 beddrolls/crafting benches and a campfire.
Large is prob not actually worth adding but it would be like an enclosed event tent to house a few people and benches and such but after playing I dont think a large is a good idea anymore but a small personal tent mainly to warm some and elude exposure would be nice as an option other than hiding in a rock, which ill prob still do alot anyways cuz its so easy. -
26 Oct, '21
FeatherSnow MergedMaybe in T4 we can have a portable composite tent that can be carried in the G slot, it would deploy into a 2x2 dome style tent. It could be repaired in the fabricator instead of with a hammer, but it would be able to survive a severe storm or two before needing full repair. It could weigh ~40kg to balance it with the weight and permanance of stone buildables.
3 -
28 Oct, '21
Match MergedLike everything in the suggestion except the weight, an 80 pound tent sounds way too heavy to me!
07 Nov, '21
Nick Mergedi would really like to see a feature added where we have something like a tent with a bed that we can bring with us when we travel. i like the storms in this game, most games that have storms they are just annoying, but you guys do the storms the right way. however, it discourages traveling and exploring for more than a couple hours (in game time) because i may get caught by a storm while out. if we had some sort of tent that we could bring to use to sleep at night, and hide from storms i think it would make the game so much better
08 Nov, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Tent" (suggested by Nick on 2021-11-07), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
04 Dec, '21
Elmando MergedPossibility to pitch a tent.
06 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Tents" (suggested by Elmando on 2021-12-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
07 Dec, '21
Diatom MergedI like this idea other than the weight. One for each tier between 2-4 requiring crafting at the respective tier workbench. Provides weather protection, minimal threat reduction, and no creature protection. First tier could be leather, second fur, and final tier could be composite. Make it like torches where it can't be repaired and wears out the more you use it. Between five to ten uses would be ideal for something like the mission for opening up the arctic.
07 Dec, '21
Bongo MergedWhy is there no basic shelter like tents or lean to's in the game to build before you get to house building levels and when you are on the road?
07 Dec, '21
Bongo MergedWhy is there no basic shelter like tents or lean to's in the game to build before you get to house building levels and when you are on the road?
07 Dec, '21
Higany MergedHEllo
I would like a tent or a mobil base that u could carry with u so u can most of the time in the desert surivive storms or in the blizzard, were not cavemans were man with spacesuit so i don't think it would ruin the game mechanism.
Buy these items from workshop its way better improvement that foods from workshop
Tyvm -
10 Dec, '21
Pawel MergedIt is really annoying that there is no craftable simple tent or something similar to the expedition outside the base. Often you have to go somewhere far and creating small houses is terribly tedious and pointless. Then you could make a tent with a sleeping bag and go on some further expeditions with it.
14 Dec, '21
Vi7ER MergedGets my vote. Again without the weight and 1x1 is plenty!
30 Dec, '21
Hoss MergedI was just talking about this the other day. I was surprised when this wasn't an option to buy in the workshop as part of the load out. We can buy enviro-suits, makes sense to add a tent of some kind and sleeping bag. If it's from the workshop then it has a limited use during each prospect and unable to be repaired during the drop.
30 Dec, '21
ForgeTec MergedI mean we can bring down weapons even portable campfires but our characters can't figure out a tent?
Figure have 3 versions of tent.
Cloth tent - can be slept in at night with camp fire near it good against lvl 1 storms - Research 200 cost 100
Heavy Tent - good against lvl 2 storms - campfire near it to sleep - 500 research 250 cost)
Dome Tent - lvl 3 storms - built in stove and cooking station - 1000 research 500 cost
these domes would just be a item that we can deploy and interact with letting us quickly sleep through nights but be useless against heavy storms and thus not fit for long term survival letting us use them on recon missions but not long term ones -
01 Jan, '22
sensei MergedWe need an opportunity to buy a tent in a workshop for money and exomaterial! A tent will be placed near the fire to skip the night! I think this is an interesting idea!
04 Mar, '22
Charliehostile MergedI suggest 3 tiers of a workshop temporary shelter item.
1 all weather sleeping bag
2 a tent size of a 1x1
3 a composite Quarters module 1x2 that can be connected with other players modules and modified -
06 Mar, '22
Kassandra L Watson MergedUpvoting in support of the tent idea, or an emergency shelter blueprint. If you spend time outdoors, you learn quickly how to find or make shelter in many conditions. When I first started playing, fellow players said to chop into a rock for the fastest shelter, which sounded crazy (despite being true in the game). Real life instinct told me to look for hallow of a tree, overhangs, fallen logs, and even cave entrances. At the very least I expected a lean-to or makeshift tent to be a blueprint. I settled on making just enough building pieces to build against a cliff with a fire inside (or out in front where possible). It's still not faster than chopping into a rock, but at least is makes more sense and has much less chance of 'taking me out of the game.' :)
14 Mar, '22
Tuffy Brick MergedYa a tent would be nice something that would take your back slot but allow you to sleep anywhere
24 Mar, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Tent-mobil base from exotic material or just buy from currency" (suggested by Higany on 2021-12-07), including upvotes (4) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
24 Mar, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Add tents and /or lean to's for basic shelter" (suggested by Bongo on 2021-12-07), including upvotes (5) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
24 Mar, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Add tents and /or lean to's for basic shelter" (suggested by Bongo on 2021-12-07), including upvotes (5) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
24 Mar, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Suggestion Workshop Tent" (suggested by Forge on 2021-12-30), including upvotes (6) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
24 Mar, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"[Suggestion] Portable Composite Tent" (suggested by FeatherSnow on 2021-10-26), including upvotes (68) and comments (4), was merged into this suggestion.
28 Mar, '22
JacksSmirk MergedI thought of this as well; I love the idea. Some missions, especially when you're fully suited/armored out, don't require setting up a base. A tent from orbital would be the perfect addition.
02 Apr, '22
IxolusVII MergedSizeable pop-up tents all in one to use campfire for cooking, bed and a limited workbench, offering protection from mild storms, and being damaged in the harshest storms. Bought in the workshop at a high price from exotics and ren.
04 Apr, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Tents" (suggested by IxolusVII on 2022-04-02), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Apr, '22
Tanner MergedBeing able to purchase and drop in with a portable tent that can sleep 1-4 people. Having the ability to set a spawn point would be useful as well.
14 Apr, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Workshop Item: Portable Tent" (suggested by Tanner on 2022-04-13), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
29 May, '22
Lorenzo Carlos Mergedwhat about a 1x1 rescue blanket tent for the lower storms, like showers or winds, where u need gold and aluminium for it to build, and it is lightweighted for the prospect to carry like 10lbs
26 Jun, '22
Brandy and Jason MergedI think it would be nice to add a workshop sleeping bag. Or tent. Or yurt. :)
28 Jun, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"a sleeping bag/bed from the workshop" (suggested by Brandy and Jason on 2022-06-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
31 Jul, '22
MelanieCavill MergedSuggestion, which could make life easier for the prospector on Icarus: Add purchasable accessories to the station store: reusable portable shelter, and the same for a possible craft bench, a sleeping bag, and a machining bench
01 Aug, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin"add portable shelter, crafting bench and machining bench to the station store" (suggested by MelanieCavill on 2022-07-31), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
15 Oct, '22
Lianail MergedAdd a survival "Lean-To" -
- Nothing but a bedroll fits under it.
- Uses thatch material (maybe just a roof variant)
- It should allow you to get out of storms and sleep
- Probably shouldn't be able to pick it back up. -
16 Oct, '22
East City Survivor MergedYes, I think there should be both craftable lean-tos/tents, and a "proper" one that can be bought from the station. In the early game, before stamina and speed buffs from talents and higher tier foods, it's a real pain to be building shelters or returning to base before nightfall. Since sleeping requires a fireplace, there should also be rain-proof heating devices that can be crafted or bought, that allow sleeping but not cooking. Lean-tos and tents wouldn't necessarily have to work as a respawn point, if that would be seen as a game balance issue.
01 Nov, '22
Sabre070 - Designer Admin"[Suggestion] We need a tent!" (suggested by sensei on 2022-01-01), including upvotes (154) and comments (18), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Nov, '22
Bobroflza MergedInstead of having to run around with a small building for when we are out during bad weather.
Can we not get some kind of Tent system in place starting at a basic T1 up to T4 type of tent. -
28 Nov, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"[Suggestion] Can we get some kind of Tent" (suggested by Bobroflza on 2022-11-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
30 Nov, '22
CrashI think a lean-to made with sticks and fiber, tier 0, sleep, but no respawn or shelter would be fair. Or a tent with full resist, sleep, but no respawn (in the Workshop, for not to many Ren) would be fair.
10 Jan, '23
txdirtroadMaybe we can add the 'shelter from rocks/mining' to the intro
29 Jan, '23
Uzrael MergedWorkshop item, small popup dome tent with a single bed inside, made from exotics/metamaterials. Can be used to sleep or as an emergency shelter from weather, but takes durability damage from winds/storms. Blocks LoS for animals while inside.
13 Feb, '23
TacoJam MergedWorkshop item for a quick shelter. Nothing extravagant, but something to plop down in a pinch
13 Feb, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Deployable Space Tent" (suggested by TacoJam on 2023-02-13), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Feb, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"1x1 Light Storm Tent" (suggested by Lorenzo Carlos on 2022-05-29), including upvotes (3) and comments (2), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Feb, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Better camping system for expedition?" (suggested by Pawel on 2021-12-10), including upvotes (5) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Feb, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"[Suggestion] Exotic/metamaterial survival tent" (suggested by Uzrael on 2023-01-29), including upvotes (5) and comments (2), was merged into this suggestion.