[Suggestion] Wolf Packs (size and rarity)
Another suggestion, was thinking about the wolves in this game and put a bit of thought into how we could improve/change them, my suggestion is that we have bigger wolf packs with an "alpha" wolf as seen in real life, obviously there would need to be some balancing but I would like to see more wolves in a pack and maybe they do a lot less damage, I say this as it would bring a different challenge into the survival and hunting elements of the game by needing different tactics/weapons to counter,
Side note: keep up the good work devs you are doing a great job
Comments: 9
13 Sep, '21
DiffedgeI agree! Maybe in the starting zone one wolf, but as you get to more difficult areas you start running into wolf packs. Also how about instead of levels, make the animals of different level ranges look slightly different, will give some variety and wont have the stupid animal level marker...
14 Sep, '21
SteveA game play warning for a pack encounter could be howling that is answered by other wolf howls. This indicates to the player that a pack is gathering nearby, so as to not unfairly overwhelm them. The player must either leave the area quickly, kill a few singletons while they gather, or prepare to face multiple wolves attacking at once.
Pack attack AI is also needed for groups like this, where an individual pack member attacks their target then moves away to circle for their next 'attack run'. This avoids the issue of two or three threats bunched up against their target, which is a less interesting fight. -
27 Sep, '21
Roger PerrySeconding this insightful post:
"14 Sep
A game play warning for a pack encounter could be howling that is answered by other wolf howls. This indicates to the player that a pack is gathering nearby, so as to not unfairly overwhelm them. The player must either leave the area quickly, kill a few singletons while they gather, or prepare to face multiple wolves attacking at once.
Pack attack AI is also needed for groups like this, where an individual pack member attacks their target then moves away to circle for their next 'attack run'. This avoids the issue of two or three threats bunched up against their target, which is a less interesting fight." -
27 Sep, '21
Stormfury MergedThere should be significantly less wolves in the game, but when you see one it should be an actual pack with pack tactics. The way it is now it just feels repetitive and unfun. It would be far more fun to have various other animals (rabbits, moose, etc.) with the sight of a wolf raising the fear factor significantly as you need to make sure your sides/six aren't about to get ganked.
28 Sep, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"[Suggestion] Actual Wolf Packs" (suggested by Stormfury on 2021-09-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
12 Oct, '21
ExplicitMy gripe is the respawn rate. You kill 6 wolves and 1 minute later they are all respawned. You should be able to clear an area and not have them respawn for like an hour. This issue can make it almost impossible to progress solo through the Artic.
15 Oct, '21
WolfieAlpha wolves aren't a thing in real life. It's something that only exists in wolves in captivity
17 Jul, '24
Lukie MergedEven the survival guide says they hunt in packs, but don't.
This would however make wolves buffed an extreme amount, so maybe make them slightly weaker too. -
17 Jul, '24
Elissa - Producer Admin"[Suggestion] Wolves should hunt in packs." (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-07-17), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.