[Obeservation] Aluminum buildings seem useless
Currently the structure seems like a cheap alternative for wood being that it uses aluminum ore and wood in its recipe it only has 400 hp making it inferior to stone in every way making the only reason to use it that you might consider using it over concrete because that structure is a stupidly expensive recipe
Comments: 7
14 Sep, '21
Tr4ckzThe only reason I can imagine it being implemented as is, is future uses for exposure protection, like having emp events or such and the metal serves as a Faraday cage.
Apart from guessing though, I agree that structures need a rework both in functionality and cost. Concrete and aluminum are insanely expensive for a whole base and that bears and wolves can destroy anything quite easily (or at all), is a really bad design call imho. It seems like a lazy balancing decision, to not make you untouchable in your base. Should be solved differently though than wolves chewing through concrete I think -
14 Sep, '21
mantoztried Aluminium buildings, I though I was building something shiny and durable. I got a metal sheet building instead, something that looks like a bidonville structure, and it fell apart at first medium wind storm. What's the point on spending all that precious aluminium? I hope there will be a propose for this building.
27 Sep, '21
EBI don't see a problem with the current Aluminum buildings, they are designed for quick basic shelters. I like how "cheep" they are for material cost, and how light weight the pieces are. They are the perfect thing to carry with you on a long exploration. I did not bring my repair hammer and had to abandon my aluminum box, but if it's true it only has 400hp that might want to be looked at. Aluminum shelter should be immune to everything but Extreme winds and Lightning, although extreme winds shouldn't just knock it down, but slowly rip sheets off. Lastly an aluminum shelter should not provide hardly any temperature protection and in a desert should actually make you hotter.
29 Sep, '21
NorbuIn my opinion, the building balance is broken to a point, where only stone structures make sense:
1. Thatch is affected by storm too much considering the unlock price.
-> reduce unlocking costs and it would be an interesting starting structure
2. Wood take too much storm damage. With any decent size, u cannot keep up with the repairs.
->Reduce storm damage a bit and create more impact on single random pieces instead of the same amount of damage on all pieces
3. Stone house uses too much iron, especially since respawn is switched off. But I have useless stone lying around everywhere.
-> use max 1 iron (better none or for columns only) per stone structure, but more increase required stones
4. Concrete structure in absolutely unaffordable and I coun't see any improvment over stone
-> use max 1 steel and reduce costs for 1 steel to 3 iron. Allow lighting strikes to damage stone structure slightly (5% per strike?).
5. see part 2 -
29 Sep, '21
Norbu5. Alloy is very expensive, comes only after stone is already available and only offers light weight as advantage.
-> Make alloy sturdy as stone, but offer no insulation (just wind protection). Reduce costs to maybe one ingot per piece.
This would allow alloy to become lightweight portable shelter/scaling, but no replacement for a stone/concrete base. -
09 Dec, '21
Ryder McRitchieThere should be more items to select/make with aluminum such as lighter weight tool handles or an intermediate level thermos.
24 Sep, '22
DanDisagree completely. We use aluminum all the time. It's light and fairly cheap to make. Aluminum is great for mobile base setups.