[Suggestion] Remove Earth creatures, replace with alien creatures
Icarus feels like we are exploring Earth right now. There is nothing alien about the creatures and it just feels ridiculous that we see racoons, bears and deer. Our running joke is that we could have just flown to Canada and it was silly to use drop ships to get there.
Comments: 46
28 Aug, '21
EB MergedI know the story is that we're terraforming a planet, but it was so Earth-like that it was a bit dull. I'm not entirely sure why someone would terraform a planet with man-eating earth creatures either. Maybe have some things a bit 'out of this world' or even odd variants of our natural flora and fauna based on adaptations?
28 Aug, '21
Mr Mr MergedThese are coming in the DLCs
28 Aug, '21
Jim MergedI hope they aren't going to do this in DLCs. It should be upon release. The game will not succeed if there isn't much more variety of NPC / MOBS or dangers.
31 Aug, '21
JaysonPhoenix Mergedyeah this is just the most earth like biome and i hope to see the more alien like or even mutated biomes and creatures even during the beta but im also afraid of stuff like that beeing paywalled behind the dlcs... such a bad idea to already strip parts of the game off to dlcs for more profit, the base game MUST have those features and those 2 dlcs should be free updates and not paywalled and even expensive dlcs. the deluxe edition price is rediculous and such greed behaviour in general doesnt do any good to companies reputation... while the unexpected relatively cheap price for the standard edition really did work good for the companies reputation and probably for preorders, i really like when i see such prices nowadays and i suddenly give cudos to the publisher but then i see the rest of the behaviour and almost didnt want to buy anymore to not support such behaviour. greed everywhere nowadays. back in the day these dlcs would have been free updates...
13 Sep, '21
Alex MergedI don't know anything about the lore, but I have the impression we are on a planet far from earth. It is really weird that the only wildlife is exactly the same as earth wildlife, and has no apparent mutation.
The whole oxygen thing really threw me at first because there is nothing about the environment that feels alien.
Not suggesting No Mans Sky levels of weird, but animals being non earthlike would be much more interesting and intuitive. -
14 Sep, '21
Clipper MergedTo me, the use of Earth Northern Hemisphere animals versus the extra-terrestrial animals hinted at during the initial intro videos is a major “bait and switch”. I get the terraforming backstory but the terraforming is being applied to an existing planet. The current set of animals really detracts from the idea you’re on another planet. We basically have Earth without oxygen. A big disappointment ...
23 Sep, '21
Stevie B MergedDeer, wolves, and bears are cool and all… but I would expect on a planet with strange metals and weird energies at some point to encounter mutations of the aforementioned creatures. Maybe the weird energy fused a deer and a wolf to make a wolf headed deer… Maybe even brand new creatures that lived prior to human settlement!
This might already be the plan (dunno the lore in the game yet), but if it’s not, throwing in some late game monstrosities can be a sudden and shocking change from the run of the mill bear. -
23 Sep, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"Add Alien creatures" (suggested by Stevie B on 2021-09-23), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
28 Sep, '21
porcupineflair MergedNot to get too science-y, but it's an observation of wildlife on Earth that their size largely depends on the available oxygen. More oxygen in the atmosphere allows for animals to grow larger and still maintain the supply of oxygen to their muscles. Prehistoric animals were known to be quite larger because of this. Obviously, that isn't the case here, but it'd be very interesting to see how even genetically modified fauna adapt, even if it's just a video game.
05 Oct, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"[Suggestion] Wildlife seems too earthlike" (suggested by Alex on 2021-09-13), including upvotes (8) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
07 Oct, '21
Cory James MergedBeing on the alien hordes.
07 Oct, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"[Suggestion] Add Other Monsters" (suggested by EB on 2021-08-28), including upvotes (7) and comments (5), was merged into this suggestion.
12 Oct, '21
AndreI posted to this and other threads similar without looking up and reading and watching the games lore. I take back all things oxygen and alien related comments.
There are reason why we can't breathe the air for lengthy times and why the animals can. And why we don't see alien lifeforms. For now anyway. Hints of Outside the "borders" or "areas" terra-formed. Terra-forming interrupted by the exotics. I advise everyone to make sure they are up on the lore before posting all the why's and why nots. -
16 Oct, '21
Soyo MergedSteam says "Explore a savage alien wilderness" but it feels more like a earth hunting game. Including non earth creature, mutated earth creatures and/or non earth bioms would make the game feel a lot more like you are on an alien planet. Alien flora/ mutated earth flora would help as well.
16 Oct, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"add alien (or mutated earth) creatures and non earth bioms" (suggested by Soyo on 2021-10-16), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
17 Oct, '21
Zinna"Steam says "Explore a savage alien wilderness" but it feels more like a earth hunting game. Including non earth creature, mutated earth creatures and/or non earth bioms would make the game feel a lot more like you are on an alien planet. Alien flora/ mutated earth flora would help as well."
Watch the video's, or read any lore in any of their pages or beta information?
Alien planets are partially terraformed due to alien exotics' interrupting the process and even the wildlife introduced couldn't even fully mutate. Stronger angrier versions of what was thrown on the planet now exist and adapted far enough to breath what we cannot. We humans do not instantly die when the o2 runs out. The air is partially terr-formed like the land. There is mention that this is the way it is within the terraformed area's but it is not that way outside those borders. Those stories and new things will be revealed in later expansions and drop I hopefully. -
17 Oct, '21
ZinnaI would like to see more stuff though. Maybe some stories tied to competitors who also tried to get away with illegal terraforming mishaps and maybe they wanted to introduce animals to kill off competitors.
Best of all at some point we will need to see those aliens on those out of border area's. To build a game on the idea of something you're never going to see is a future fail at some point. Running like missions, in a few biome types with no aliens, and never keeping your progress and always starting with lvl zero will get old. Even minecraft doesn't make you start a new build and learn the entire crafting tree each time you play it. I do not know the exact way the dev's have planned out this games play for the future, other than timed looped prospects. But I'm hopeful. -
26 Oct, '21
GiddionIf the creatures looked a little less "normal" it would feel like it made more sense to be walking around in the spacesuit. With them looking earth normal it feels like you should be able to just take the helmet off.
05 Nov, '21
Gerhart MergedI know that the animals are supposed to be the same as those from Earth, but this is an alien planet. The animals should have mutations or alterations to their Earth counterparts. Also how can the animals breathe the air, but the humans can't if they are identical animals to Earth? Makes no sense
05 Nov, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"[Suggestion] Make animals more alien" (suggested by Gerhart on 2021-11-05), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
14 Dec, '21
GarriethDon't do this please. Only do so for future DLCs like planned :)
19 Feb, '22
cc Mergedmaybe a couple per mission but would be a cool enemy to fight if you get to close to it.
27 Feb, '22
DaVinciHave both. OR just have slightly mutated deer and so on. Give them a slight decaying affect
05 Mar, '22
Julia MergedI like the hunting in Icarus but me and my friends have been wanting some other things to hunt such as actual Aliens or other sorts since we are in space.
08 Mar, '22
Stormfury MergedI’m shocked aliens or at least new creatures have not been introduced in 3+ months. Bears and wolves is really old after 6 months of play.
08 Mar, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin MergedHey! Just be patient! You have no idea what we're working on internally. We've also been busy with higher priority things like Respec and crash fixes.
11 Mar, '22
Stormfury MergedWe don’t know that’s part of the problem! I'm sorry but respec isn't going to keep people around, aliens and new things to do WILL.
11 Mar, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin MergedThanks for the feedback. We are working on higher prio things you have no idea about.
15 Mar, '22
SkadiAK47 MergedWann treffen wir auf die Aliens die im intro zu sehen sind und im game auch zu hören sind . ::-)
25 Mar, '22
Minimalistix MergedKilling Bears and Wolves gets old. I suggest adding new enemies like rival prospectors, Pirate raiders and bigger better multi-phase boss fights. This could include new mission types to deal with the new threats such as taking out raider bases, defeating new boss monsters etc. Boss monsters could drop unique items required to craft specific items similar to the polar bear armor. Raiders could have exotics or other currency or tech tree unlocks not normally available.
25 Mar, '22
Soulforge MergedAgree fully! Great game but need more active opposition and rival prospectors at varying tech levels sound like an amazing idea.
24 Jul, '22
TinyBitQuantum MergedThe scifi premise for this game has also of promise, but does not fulfil it. I REALLY like the idea this game is a alien terraform gone askew. You had the choice of going pretty wild with the creature design, even if trying to keep it realistic. As is, the most fascinating moment is the first time you kill a cave snake, but I think I would have done way more. Make dire wolves, make miniwolf swarms, don't just make wolves. Same with the plants. give me some odd colors, and some odd shapes. Make me feel like this world is much more slightly not ours.
25 Jul, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"cooler enemies" (suggested by TinyBitQuantum on 2022-07-24), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
08 Aug, '22
kev ciuccarelli MergedI agree with this, game could be awesome with new enemys!!!!
15 Dec, '22
david hall Mergedyeah aliens or other prospectors . anything to change just killing bears and wolves
23 Jan, '23
Denis Nikata MergedI think I could add alien creatures and monsters!
23 Jan, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Creatures" (suggested by Denis Nikata on 2023-01-23), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Jun, '23
EwenThe animals survived the toxic air, let them stay just a bit mutated and radiation affected good ideas are extra heads and limbs hanging off of the main ones, I like the polar bear bosses from missions because the back half of its body being half the size of the front half is a true visual mutation.
03 Jul, '23
-=312th=-Noobious_Max MergedWe need alien life, there's an alien in the loading movie and its based on an alien planet so i was totally stoked thinking id be able to fight aliens; however the only ones I can find are the cave and sand worms. Even if they're only nocturnal creatures it'd make the game so much more exciting to play. So please, please, PLEAAASE! add more aliens. -love yuh devs!, and keep the good work! :)
04 Jul, '23
Ewen MergedOh they will come, in the Prometheus DLC.
04 Jul, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"WE NEED ALIENS!" (suggested by -=312th=-Noobious_Max on 2023-07-03), including upvotes (1) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
04 Jul, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"More enemy variation - Raiders, Aliens, Boss Fights" (suggested by Minimalistix on 2022-03-25), including upvotes (9) and comments (5), was merged into this suggestion.
04 Jul, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"alien creature from beginning video" (suggested by cc on 2022-02-19), including upvotes (5) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
04 Jul, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"Alien/other abnormal animals to hunt" (suggested by Julia on 2022-03-05), including upvotes (6) and comments (4), was merged into this suggestion.
04 Jul, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"Aliens" (suggested by SkadiAK47 on 2022-03-15), including upvotes (2) and comments (2), was merged into this suggestion.
20 Oct, '23
Darena BryantI do NOT think there should be no Earth creatures. They were terraforming this world to be like Earth, and they seeded it with Earth creatures, so there *would* be some.
That being said, the concept is everything got changed by the exotics, and the world had life of a sort before the terraforming. So there should be some 'native' life still around, and some 'mutated' life... things changed by the exotics in the soil... mixed in.