[Suggestion] Change knife throw controls to be similar to bow shot controls
The bow is aimed by right mouse button, fired by releasing left mouse button. Nothing stops you from aiming without shooting.
The knife on the other hand is a commitment to throw on aiming. If you hold RMB - you are going to throw it on release.
I do understand that it is a control scheme to support a slashing attack on LMB, but could we get a throwing at say LMB press while holding RMB? I've lost several dozen knives already simply because of being used to shot a bow...
Comments: 5
27 Sep, '21
Ggezpro Mergedwhen you aim with a knife or spear out and let go of the aim it projectiles the object. you should be able to aim with the knife and release the aim without throwing the item, the item should only be thrown if you aim and left click while aiming, just like a gun. the knife is almost impossible to retrieve.
27 Sep, '21
john hancock MergedChange the mechanism for knife thrownig . Use right click to aim it and only whilst right click is pressed can it then be thrown using left click. So two keys have to be pressed to throw it.
30 Sep, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"change Knife throwing mechanism to avoid accidental throws." (suggested by john hancock on 2021-09-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
30 Sep, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"Knives and spears are thrown by right click(aim) and letting go" (suggested by Ggezpro on 2021-09-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
08 Apr, '23
cmopatrickPretty sure this has been dealt with when you split the throwing knives from the regular ones. Should be okay to mark this "done".