[Suggestion] Add Cave bears!
Would be awesome if caves had a small chance to have a bear living in them. Could set a path for the bear to follow making them come back to the cave every now and then for a nap and surprise any unlucky miners. Could also have small amounts of bones on the floor to give the player an indication of the impending danger.
Comments: 2
16 Oct, '21
MattAgreed but only for caves that have opened entrances - would be weird if bears were in caves that were blocked off. I wouldn't mind if wolves were in caves as well. Also, could make cave predators unique: higher level, more aggressive, different color or unique cave only versions of animals like black bears only found in caves but 2-3 at a time for example. This would make finding an open cave both exciting but entering one a cautious endeavor. Though, if animals did live in caves you'd have to rethink the rationale of pneumonia - would the predators all have pneumonia or a biological resistance to the ailment? Would need to be explained, if so.
24 May, '24
StefanBetter rethink this suggestion, now we have worms and bees in caves.
Maybe additional bears would be an overkill.