[Suggestion] Jackhammer and chainsaw
Hope to have some late game items like a jack hammer and chainsaw.
Comments: 20
28 Nov, '21
ShazrothBeen playing Satisfactory... Icarus needs a chainsaw.
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29 Nov, '21
Cipher 8I'm hoping for a full progression on gathering. We got Hand Tools --> Power Tools are planned --> Chapter 5+: Automation with persistent prospects ;) One can hope right...
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04 Mar, '22
Kevin MergedWe have all these buildable's that are hi-tier but nothing farming-related besides the drill that can only be used on a few deep veins, So maybe add a chainsaw and jackhammer to make farming go a tad bit faster but reduce the harvest by a small amount.
23 Oct, '22
Rowan MergedHonestly, a jack hammer would be so "icrus" even if it's in the workshop I think it would be the most practical item the game would have,
26 Oct, '22
Chaos MergedA really good idea would be to add a jack hammer and a chainsaw to the game as either tier 4 items or workshop obtainable items, I believe it would make gathering iron and wood in large amounts less anooying per say.
27 Oct, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin"Jack hammer and chainsaw" (suggested by Chaos on 2022-10-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Oct, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin"Chainsaw & Jack hammer" (suggested by Kevin on 2022-03-04), including upvotes (3) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Oct, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin"Jack Hammer" (suggested by Rowan on 2022-10-23), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
28 Jan, '23
Phoedix MergedHaving a chainsaw type biofuel powered tool to fell trees and a wood-chipper type bench for making sticks in bulk would be a cool addition.
31 Jan, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"Power tools for chopping trees and making sticks" (suggested by Phoedix on 2023-01-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
07 Dec, '23
HootifyouliketoChainsaw... well ok. But jackhammer?? Is there that much terrain to dig? There is literally just blocks of minerals. I'd buy it if all terrain was "digable" (which I'd really really love to have)
30 Dec, '23
SpanglyBread6 Come find me and sub!!! MergedI feel like with the addition of batteries coming soon there should be some discussion about the fact there is no bio-fuel powered tools i.e. chainsaw, jackhammer. I truly feel there should be something done about that. Obviously make them expensive to craft and maybe not the most fuel efficient so that there is still some grinding to be done even after you get them crafted. But there should be something like that in game.
09 Jan, '24
Elissa - Producer Admin"We have space suits and are still harvesting with hand tools?" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2023-12-30), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
06 Apr, '24
VexA laser/energy/plasmasaw would be even better.
05 Sep, '24
KimberlyPlease make this, yes! Big yes!
08 Sep, '24
Sztella MergedA jackhammer to mine and/or destroy stuff, complete with a compressor that uses up the backpack slot. It would also need biofuel tank to function, but it would be the quickest way to mine minerals.
12 Sep, '24
Elissa - Producer Admin"Add a pneumatic jackhammer" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-09-08), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
31 Dec, '24
Ben N.These are two for sure QOL's that would be nice to have. Make a version Tier 3 for bio fuel (attracts animals) and Tier 4 for battery.
07 Jan
Filipe MergedAdd tier 5 (example: chainsaw, hand drill, new furnaces, ores and items that can only be done in tier 5, etc, etc);
Add Glidder at tier 1 so we can jump over cliffs and dont break bones;
More building items, and improve the ones that already exists, etc; example (ice builds, new types of rocks and new builds with it, etc;
More (New) animals;
One expansion where all the maps are in one, all biomes, animals, etc, all in one;
A Mini Map so we dont need to see constantly on te Map and stop in the middle of nowhere;
Full optimisation on Animals Ai and full/better performance in the game; -
09 Jan
Elissa - Producer Admin"Some suggestions :3" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2025-01-07), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.