[Suggestion] Cave worms to tough for low level
The poison Stacks on the cave worms seems to high. Then along with the respawn on these mobs in the caves makes the caves super dangerous.
I understand the need to make caves not appeal to prospectors for shelter, but can you slow down the respawn on them and make the poison less deadly, especially for low levels
Comments: 28
03 Dec, '21
JeannieI agree it is way too short of a timer. I got cave lung just from trying to clear them. I was excited to see them in there and then frustrated very quickly with their mechanic
03 Dec, '21
Michael WynneWith the worms they should up the timer/reduce the chance of pneumonia a bit, but I like this approach.
03 Dec, '21
Ryakcome on, 3 crit with a bow ... easy ... pls do not touch them!
04 Dec, '21
MimiGood idea to keep the campers out of the caves and to make use of the build dynamics BUT three worms in a cave at level 5 is a too much it has made them like you had the bears round one too much. If you want people to not camp in them script in for a structure placement or idle character movements then sure spawn them to get them out of the caves from camping them. The poison is way too high on its hits when taking on one much less three.
04 Dec, '21
Kelvin Lutz Mergedjust killed all worms in a cave the went outside for wood and back in and they had all repsawned
04 Dec, '21
StillWaiting MergedIf the cave entry is still closed, you can trigger the worms inside and when they spit against the wall you get poisoned on the the other side of entry
04 Dec, '21
Pef MergedCave worms respawn in my floor (cave base) when resuming prospect, destroying the base.
When playing normally, only the worms deeper in the cave / not near my building respawn, which is fair. -
04 Dec, '21
clawz MergedNoticed that Rocket mentioned in the Discord that cave worms shouldn't respawn during a session if cleared out. That appears to not be the behavior in the game currently as I have had them come back just from leaving a cave and returning or after a death.
Overall I like their addition to the game but spawning back in after a death early game while using a cave only to be greeted by a bunch of acid spitting mobs that you had previously cleared isn't a fun experience. -
04 Dec, '21
KatoWhen I first saw it, I thought how cool is this.
But the worms get very quickly just annoying.
I understand that they are trying to make the caves a little more dangerous and want to encourage the player to build a house.
But the respan belongs in my opinion again revised.
The should spanen only in caves if you have not entered them for several days.
And above all, this should not spanen if you sleep in a cave or from there the game continues.
Furthermore, I would find it more interesting if I do not know whether and what danger emanates from a cave, than if I can be sure that there are worms again. -
04 Dec, '21
Evan Light MergedCaveworms are easy-ish to kill but they seem to respawn within 1-2 minutes and they don’t even leave a corpse to loot. **It’s almost as though y’all devs just want us not to spelunk.**
Between the pneumonia, reduced stamina of being in a cave, and caveworms, spelunking is miserable. Why???
Please, make spelunking fun. -
05 Dec, '21
Terence McArtI disagree, I think the worm are pitched well atm, has made for some fun moments in my group gathering ore.
05 Dec, '21
Erin MooreThe respawn of them is too soon. I can barely heal up from the last attack before the same worm is back.
05 Dec, '21
RagingquitterI don't agree with this at all. They are quite easy to manage when you enter the caves. The projectiles are slow enough to dodge and they actually don't respawn fast at all if you land crit head shots and kill them with just a basic bow. There's no reason to even go into a cave until you are level 10 and can make T2 gear so why does it even need to be easier for low levels. If anything, make them harder the more rare materials there are in that cave.
05 Dec, '21
Janekburn MergedI luv the idea of cave worms but i have come across a issue with them. Went into a cave and yeah here comes the worms... so this one worm im doing 5, 10 headshots and nothing no damage what so ever so went for body shots and managed to kill it then i notice where the worm had spawn its head was glitched through a staligmite it could shoot at me but my arrows were just hitting the staligmite and doing nothing. So i thought just a fluke right but no it's happened in 2 other caves to that one also why can't you skin them?
05 Dec, '21
ZeroJetlag MergedI love the idea of the cave worms! ... but after you've cleared the whole cave and built a base, the whole thing gets a little tedious. Can you design a device that we can build that deters the worms from spawning OR can an 'if' case be put in? 'if the cave has been cleared of all deposits - worms stop spawning' ? You could even say that the 'worms' don't like light and remove spawning anywhere their is a light source?
05 Dec, '21
Chrissy Admin"Cave worms" (suggested by Janekburn on 2021-12-05), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
05 Dec, '21
Chrissy Admin"[Bug] Caveworms respawn too fast and don’t leave a corpse" (suggested by Evan Light on 2021-12-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
05 Dec, '21
Chrissy Admin"cave worms respawn too fast" (suggested by Kelvin Lutz on 2021-12-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
05 Dec, '21
Chrissy Admin"Cave Worms respawn in base on log on." (suggested by Pef on 2021-12-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
05 Dec, '21
Chrissy Admin"Cave Worm Spawn Radius / Timer Rule-set" (suggested by ZeroJetlag on 2021-12-05), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
05 Dec, '21
Chrissy Admin"Cave worm poison behind walls" (suggested by StillWaiting on 2021-12-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
05 Dec, '21
Chrissy Admin"Cave worms respawning quickly" (suggested by clawz on 2021-12-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
15 Dec, '21
RodnobYou should have the option to turn ON/OFF IMO
20 Dec, '21
shin0bi272base bow and stone arrows = 3 shots to the face... its not hard. Please dont touch the cave worms other than to maybe slow their respawn delay after clearing the cave out cause that just gets tedious.
20 Dec, '21
shin0bi272@ZeroJetlag the electric dehumidifier drives off caveworms but it takes forever to get to the point you can build it.
26 Dec, '21
Anmana01I do not think it would be a good thing to nerv the caveworms. They are easy to kill with a basic stone knife and two hits in the head. At first one is most certainly buffled and could very well die because the dmg stacks up to 4(?) times but as in every survival game there are lessons that can be learned and should. And yes, they are more an annoyance after a couple of times than a threat.
04 Feb, '22
W2D2I personally don't have a big problem with them as solo. It's 2-4 arrows in the face and they are gone. Only in bigger caves it requires some tactics.
Never needed anti-poison but it would make it more easy. -
20 Jun, '24
StefanOld and seems to be obsolete or DONE.