[Bug] Cave worms respawn on rejoining prospect
When rejoining a prospect in progress, when you have a base in a cave, you immediately get attacked by respawned cave worms.
This is a big problem since they start attacking before you get player control.
Cave worms should not respawn within a reasonable distance of built structures.
Comments: 17
04 Dec, '21
Darren MergedEnter an empty cave or clear the worms from the cave, setup base and then log out. Upon relog assaulted by worms spawning beneath me.
04 Dec, '21
Hyperxion MergedI don't know if this is intended, but if yes, it does not make a lot of sense and make cave living/mining frustrating. This monster spawns there every time i go out of cave. I kill it, go out, go in, and its there again.
04 Dec, '21
Quinafoi MergedCave worms always respawn when starting hosting a new session, this makes building a shelter inside of a cave not viable since you will be in combat immediately on loading the game and your base, the place meant to be most safe, is in the middle of enemies.
05 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"Cave Worms respawn upon login in occupied cave" (suggested by Darren on 2021-12-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
05 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"[Bug] Cave Worms Always Respawn New Session Host" (suggested by Quinafoi on 2021-12-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
06 Dec, '21
EzECave worms are spawning through wood platforms built into caves, which makes the caves somewhat pointless to build a base in with dehumidifiers.
06 Dec, '21
MercyBy making these cave worms respawn once killed you have taken away the choice to have a cave base. As a player I really do not like having my choices taken away from me. One of the things I really enjoyed was building a base in a cave when the need arose. I also enjoy building regular bases. I enjoyed being able to make that choice but no longer. I'm not happy at all that you've taken what used to be enjoyable and replaced it with just frustration.
06 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer AdminHey all! If you build a dehumidifier, the cave worms will stop respawning.
07 Dec, '21
KevinJust died deep in artic biome after loading back into game in a cave I had cleared to sheltered in during blizzard when I got attacked by multiple cave worms. Preventing the worms from respawning within some buffer range, or at least within attacking range would be appreciated.
08 Dec, '21
MikeSometimes the gorram caveworms don't spawn immediately when you re-enter your cave base, you're suspicious, but start crafting and 5 of them spawn surrounding you, and the risk of immediate death and punitive solo XP loss.
08 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"Cave monster respawning every time" (suggested by Hyperxion on 2021-12-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
21 Dec, '21
Reliic@Elissa the range of the dehumidifier is small and it requires fuel. It's worthless to maintain a humidifier configuration in a cave because the requirements are too high.
22 Dec, '21
SteveGetting an internet disconnection whilst in a cave (after having already killed all of the worms), reconnecting and then having all of the worms respawn and kill you isn't great - compounded even more so during solo play and the overly punishing XP hit that will come with that death.
Not sure if it is a bug but rather a lack of foresight, as I am sure that the worms are set to respawn on new loads, but the game should have a save state that also includes whether the cave has been cleared or not. E.g. caves could have a check for "playerlocation<20m=true" when the player location is within a defined radius, "construction<20m=true" to check for any buildings within radius of the cave. It must however have "worm1=dead, worm2=dead, worm3=dead" etc. as a check when either of the two states I mention are set to true. Just an idea on how to resolve of course, I am not a coder so I'm unsure how it all works within the game engine, but something akin to this should be possible. -
22 Dec, '21
Steve(Apologies - I hit the character limit)
I should point out that the suggestion I mentioned above should only come in to effect on game load, as I am aware that it would interfere with the games' intention of having the worms respawn in caves, requiring the dehumidifier to nullify etc. - which I would not want to affect negatively in any way.
There would need to be a timer/cool-down on the worm deaths before being able to respawn, set to hours, so as to negate any permanence perhaps? Again, just some ideas. -
31 Jan, '22
stb155Yup, this one can really f... you up.
As long as really bad things like that exist, i would never ever do a solo HC mission.
Imagine your game/PC crashes while you are mining deep in some 6 worm cave with pneumonia...
Only chance would be to use unstuck, but that might put you in front of bear, or dead in you dropship was/is also an possibility afair. -
08 Feb, '22
IcaJoeHappened in too situations to me:
1) After game crash, respawning in cave and getting killed before having a chance to move. The cave was clear of worms before.
2) When interrupting a mission (e.g. for dinner), then resuming, the same situation appears.
Obviously, it is not an option to keep that strange behaviour: Players do have to interrupt the game from time to time. -
25 Mar, '22
stas150In the cave where the worm appeared, I put a concrete block of the foundation, it doesn’t help as buta it is there and this block is not there. But in fact, the worm must break the concrete block and then appear.
But now the material for recipes is falling from it, let it be reborn.