[Suggestion] Steam Achievements
Accolades as steam achievements
Comments: 37
08 Dec, '21
RompelSt0mpel MergedI am a bit disappointed that the ingame achievements do not pull through to steam. I mean you already have the achievements ingame why does it not show up on steam like all steam games do?
09 Dec, '21
Garrieth MergedAgreed! Would love to see them on Steam :)
09 Dec, '21
GarriethAgreed! Would love to see them on Steam :)
09 Dec, '21
Cipher 8It would be cool if they eventually tied in the in-game accolades to the Steam achievements. They should reward Valve and Steam with believing in them when others (looking at you Microsoft) didn't and get them steam achievements online!
09 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"Steam achievements" (suggested by RompelSt0mpel on 2021-12-08), including upvotes (4) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
14 Dec, '21
Ninwahnot needed. accolades are in game are teh achieverment system. let the devs focus on improving the game itself not something random outside the game.
16 Dec, '21
https://icarus.featureupvote.com/suggestions/262226/rock-throwing -
18 Dec, '21
SkyWill MergedMy buddy has obsession with getting Achievements on Steam games. He really likes getting 100% on a game. Is there a chance that Achievements will be added to the game? The Steam trading cards might be nice too.
24 Dec, '21
Garrieth Merged:) https://icarus.featureupvote.com/suggestions/255591/suggestion-steam-achievements
25 Dec, '21
Gail McKinnonI love my steam achievements - and I know not a priority but any chance you can at least let us know they are coming
07 Jan, '22
S3bn4ky_M671) Achievements are very important for a game today, it make the game more visible for community as all people in contact list can see achievements progress into the friend activities list on steam, and a lot of people (many groups on steam with more than hundred thousands of gamers) are achievements hunters...
2) It help gamers to discover the game and know it better with visible and simple checkpoints, and help to create community guides.
3) don't create stupid achievements like killing 1000 bears, but more about skills progression and usage, to help gamers to diversify and discover other way to play and complete a same mission.
for all these aspects, please, add achivements ! At the moment i stop to play this game until it comes out. -
08 Jan, '22
GarriethGreat points S3bn4ky! Yeah honestly I have stopped until these come out too. Need something specific to work at. Keep up the great work devs :)
14 Mar, '22
BuDZockTake My Upvote
15 Mar, '22
BelligerentBashFor a game that requires such a time investment it really is unfortunate that there are no steam achievements to show off my efforts and time commitments. I know my friends and I would love to see this get into the game. Hopefully it gains some attention and traction from the product/dev teams.
24 Mar, '22
GarriethYeah honestly just waiting for Steam Achievements before picking the game back up. Gonna be great to pick it back up!
26 Mar, '22
SubdaneI'd like to see this as well :D
23 Apr, '22
DaveThey've apparently said in the Discord that achievements were supposed to be a thing: https://i.imgur.com/Zkfnyrb.png
24 Apr, '22
GarriethBut sadly it may be a while per this dev: https://imgur.com/a/WHyonCk
Really sucks... I wonder how long it takes to do? -
29 May, '22
Gino Costa+1 please add lots of achievements and also stat tracking the way Team Fortress 2 does
02 Jun, '22
K.M.Should just migrate the in-game milestones/accolades to the Steam Achievements, or link them.
08 Jul, '22
Graemewaiting for steam achievements until i startt playing this game
22 Jul, '22
HeadYea I really care about steam achievements. I'm a completionist and there are tons of people like me. I'm not only talking about grindy achievements like collect 1000 stones or destroy 500 bears. Also there must be some achievements that requires the talent and skill of the player. Maybe also hidden achievements? Who knows. This is not a hard thing to implement. I hope they come up with this update soon.
25 Jul, '22
MelonwheelsWould love Steam achievements outside the accolades, like "have 12 status modifiers simultaneously" or "take down two animals with one shot." Things that happen in game but aren't copy/pastes of the accolades. Loving the game and the updates, I'm just a sucker for steam achievements.
05 Aug, '22
Nick+1 for Steam achievements. These should've been in the game day 1 imo so please add them next update!
09 Aug, '22
ShockwaveAs a last priority after all other improvements are done maybe, but can't see any reason why time should be spent on a useless achievement that doesn't affect the game. There are already achievements in the game itself.
21 Oct, '22
Ike TurnerLiterally waiting to re-download this game for this reason, alone. I know I'm in the minority, but steam achievements and 100%'ing games is kinda what drives me to keep playing games that I don't have a strong reason to return to. I love the game, but many of those I used to play with have moved on, so this would be a great motivation to come back and enjoy the game solo or look for a new group to play with
26 Nov, '22
14 Dec, '21
not needed. accolades are in game are the achievement system. let the devs focus on improving the game itself not something random outside the game.
I agree not needed or very low priority, game has other issues that are way more important. Like a better Cursor!! (:
Thanks -
16 Dec, '22
DrdedWould love to see Steam achievements, you already have the accolates so should be an easy fix.
16 Dec, '22
NickThese should've already been in the game by now. It's been a year...
16 Dec, '22
GarriethYup, still have not opened the game (except for a steam award badge lol). Won't open it til we get Steam achievements lol
23 Dec, '22
DaveUnfortunately, they're not prioritizing them.
Someone posted a link to an image where their community relations person posted on the discord that Steam achievements were going to be a thing, so I bought the supporter's edition. A month later, a dev posted that they'd changed their minds and had no plans to do them.
As disappointed as I am by this, I still enjoyed my time with the game, but it's un-installed and I currently have no plans to re-install it. -
04 Jan, '23
FataghostUnfortunately as long as there is no steam achievements, I will not buy the game so I upvote that feature.
I'm not alone in that mindset, there is a lot of "maybe future" players in the steam discussion threads that share that need for steam achievements.
Have a nice day everyone ! -
23 Feb, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"Add Steam Achievements and Trading Cards" (suggested by SkyWill on 2021-12-18), including upvotes (1) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
01 Mar, '23
Ewen MergedCould go with the accolades plus the rest of the bosses like killing 1000 of a specific animal or killing all different types of bosses (mission specific and roaming bosses) could include mutated polar bear, black jaguars alpha wolf sand worm, large scorpion, and the queen scorpion.
02 Mar, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"Steam achievements" (suggested by Ewen on 2023-03-01), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
17 Jun, '23
cmopatrickI would guess that the achievements on steam are as much as you plan to do for this. If so, you can mark this "done".
I do note that you have not really mined history in filling those steam markers, since my main toon is way over a lot more of the limits than he gets credit for... but since I don't really care about them, afaic you can mark this done.