[Suggestion] Crops needs higher output in crop plots
Vegetables and fruits only need to be buffed slightly. Tea, flowers, coffee, soy all need much higher output. As they are, crop plots are mostly useless - for fruits and vegetables they spoil too quickly to be useful (especially with Fresh is Best not working0 and wheat and drink ingredients give too little yield for the amount required for recipes requiring them.
Comments: 2
11 Dec, '21
IbiredricThere is the fact that more crop plots will increase that yield. However, I do agree. Then there is considering the crop plot item in relation to thatch, wood and stone buildings. Then lastly, the fact that the crop plots do not self perpetuate and require harvesting and sowing. Considering that and then how long one would be in an area based on location objectives and the life of the buildings it seems the crops grow to slow for benefit.
15 Jun, '22
cmopatrickAgain, agree completely. Berries for bullets is the only reason I put plots down.