[Bug] Outpost persistant inventory soft duplicates (on outpost only) station items
Only station items I have is mass dampener and the Shengong 'dong' Pickaxe(+blue supporter suit). I started an outpost, played for a bit, broke the picaxe to the red state & then flew back up to repair it. Felt wasteful but I didnt get enough to do steel yet.
I forgot to take off my cloth armor (5/5), put everything else in storage. Dampener was equiped and broken pickaxe was in #2 hotbar.
I dragged axe left then back to repair it and relanded with both. I had the dampener, then then broken pick in #2 where I left it and a brand new one in #3, also the dampener and cloth armor still equiped. Flying up removed nothing from my char.
I moved the broken pick to #4 to see if it was real and flew back up. Station didnt show any more items that what I owned. Landed again With a dampener, pick in #2 and 3 and broken pick in #4 where I left it, armor still on, a dampener in core inventory
Axe in orbit has durability from last mission (Deep vein) shown still, couldn't dupe in station.
Comments: 44
06 Dec, '21
JareeZy MergedI wonder if the game loads from the "your items" tab instead of the loadout tab when you enter an Outpost. I don't need my workshop gear there, and it clutters up the inventory
06 Dec, '21
Richard Cole MergedMy partially broken workshop pick and knife, were successfully transferred to my inventory when going to my outpost, upon leaving and returning I was given another pick and knife. I repeated this as a was puzzled where they had come from and now I have 3 picks and knives on my outpost. My workshop upon the station still only has one tool per item. I assume outpost saves my workshop tools as part of my inventory and doesn't remove them when leaving the outpost and reloading the outpost gives you your load out.
08 Dec, '21
hayesjl77 Merged3D Printed items are duplicating on login. When I log into an outpost a have 2 sets.
09 Dec, '21
JohnI did try landing with no station items and flying up with copies i left from previous flights, not even the ones in my inventory when I landed to actually dupe them but it didnt happen. Not sure whats happening behind the scenes to prevent real dupes cuz I now have 4 dampeners and picks on planet but it didnt duplicate for actual prospects atleast.
09 Dec, '21
Quantum StarfieldI found the same thing. You can soft duplicate them multiple times too.
11 Dec, '21
Jack MergedNot sure if this is actually a dupe glitch or if it’s just an aspect of how outposts work, but the second time I dropped into my outpost I brought down my workshop gear again but when I hit the ground I had 2 sets of everything, nit sure if that was intended since one set was damaged/filled so I assume it was what I had when I left and it ‘stayed’ on my character. The items didn’t stay duped when I came back up to my ship, but I didn’t test that much to see if they would, so I’m not sure if it’s possible?
11 Dec, '21
Roji MergedI drop on my Outpost and realise that I had 2 Canteen and 2 O2 Tank.
Then I used the 'Return to character select' button, selected my Outpost again and my Canteen and O2 Tank was avaible again. When I get to my Outpost I had 3 Canteen an 3 O2 Tank. -
11 Dec, '21
Matt Compean MergedI am also seeing this issue. Though I had quit to desktop and returned. Seems to affect multiple workshop items as I have a duplicate of everything that was in my dropship loadout at the time (Mass Dampner Module, Air Tank, Canteen, MXC Knife/Pickaxe/Axe, etc)
13 Dec, '21
Drake MergedI have not tested this on missions, only in the outposts. When I take items I purchased from the workshop with me down to the surface, they are already on my hotbar. If I leave them on my hotbar when I go back to the station (instead of putting them in the drop pod inventory space), they show up in the loadout. So far normal. When returning to the outpost however, the items are still in my hotbar and anything that was in my loadout is duplicated to my inventory. I have several skinning knives, Picks and Axes from doing this.
13 Dec, '21
Tom Whitfield MergedWhen I go into my Outpost and have a Mass Dampener Module in my loadout, it is replicating every time I go down to the Outpost.
I bought the module, went to my Outpost, and equipped it in the module slot in my suit. I then went up to orbit. I went back down to my Outpost and another module was in my inventory in addition to the one equipped in my suit. I went back to orbit, then back to my Outpost. I now have two of them in inventory plus one equipped in my suit. -
13 Dec, '21
Static MergedEvery time I come to Iceholm, my workshop items get duped, as shown in the SS. I've began collecting them at this point. I've tried to leave by ship and by going to character screen and both result in adding my workshop loadout again, even though I have them in my inventory. I guess the fix right now could be to not bring anything, or destroy the dupes.
My suit does not come with me though. I've tried 2 different suits, switching them on and off but no luck. I come in the default suit no matter what.
I love the arctic outpost! I am thriving with tons of ice, water, and a stone house. It's cold, but it's beautiful. -
14 Dec, '21
Ryan MergedI have found this same issue with the Mass Dampener Module. This also has happened with my station purchased axe, pick and knife.
14 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"BUG - Duplicate Mass Dampener Module" (suggested by Tom Whitfield on 2021-12-13), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
14 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"[BUG] 3D Printed items" (suggested by hayesjl77 on 2021-12-08), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
14 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"[BUG] Possible dupe glitch?" (suggested by Jack on 2021-12-11), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
14 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"Workshop Items Duplication" (suggested by Drake on 2021-12-13), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
14 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"[Bug] Outpost: Icehlom dupe workshop items but no suit" (suggested by Static on 2021-12-13), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
14 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"Workshop Item Dupe!" (suggested by Rodolfo Domingues Nascimento on 2021-12-11), including upvotes (2) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
14 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"[BUG] Exotic items from workshop are duplicated on Outpost." (suggested by Richard Cole on 2021-12-06), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
14 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"Workshop Items are brought down to Outpost despite removing them from loadout" (suggested by JareeZy on 2021-12-06), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
14 Dec, '21
Gibby MergedIn Forest (top) Outpost when placing wood floors on wood posts the game crashes when you come back your purchased tools get duplicated
15 Dec, '21
AlexYes, this, it's terrible. Duplication after duplication. I now have 2 broken pickaxes and 6 modules.
You also keep the items you had on yourself before you left the outpost, as can be seen in the screenshot, I just landed.
Apparently, I also get now sprains every time I land.
I also try to switch out my suit with the newer version with 2 modules and I cannot, I keep coming back with the first one I came down with. -
16 Dec, '21
Jehdin MergedEarlier today I spent some time playing the first Outpost (Arcwood), and brought some basic tools from the Workshop. After logging out, patching, and logging back in, Workshop items are duplicating on my toolbar. I can interact with each of these items, put them in boxes, and use them. If I return to character select, and then back into the Outpost, the toolbar shows duplicate tools (including the o2 tank and canteen) after breaking my leg.
16 Dec, '21
Jehdin MergedCouple of notes:
- The items do not appear to transfer back to station if I return to character select and view the loadout.
- The attached screenshot above is after exiting to desktop and back into the game.
- For some reason, the game breaks my leg or sprains my ankle after landing, but before jumping out of the pod -
16 Dec, '21
Neyar MergedI have this as well. I've hopped onto my outpost a couple times to do things, and I'm collecting a pile of workshop items down there. I'm afraid to delete anything in case there's a "real" one that removes my item on the station or something, so I can't really play the outpost until this gets fixed.
17 Dec, '21
WindWraithAll my carried workshop items duplicate themselves when I drop into any outpost.
18 Dec, '21
ExtortOrbital Items are duplicating on drop in outposts, and inventory is persisting with them when you leave outpost. Equipped envirosuit is defaulting to basic one.
20 Dec, '21
TerryI can confirm 19th dec I all the items I bought to my Out post from the Space Station got copied when I left the game.
Not all items where on the character at the time, they was located in my base.
How I left the game.
I returned back to the character menu from the game, then after a few minutes, then quitted to desktop.
After I logged back Into the game a hour later, I was removed out the Outpost with and after I clicked on the Outpost it went back to the out post but I had all my items back plus the old set that had damage. -
20 Dec, '21
Adrammelech MergedI am facing the same issue. when playing outpost, got back to the ship, dropped back into the outpost and now I have 4 Dampener modules ( used to have 2 ), 2 Hulu Canteens and 2 Liwei O2 Tanks. ( used to have 1 of each ).
20 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"Duplication of Workshop items in Outposts" (suggested by Jehdin on 2021-12-16), including upvotes (4) and comments (3), was merged into this suggestion.
06 Jan, '22
Antagonizer2000 MergedHello, I was doing an outpost, and when I went back into it (had to re-enter via drop pod) it duplicated by workshop items, leading me to have 3 o2 tanks, 4 modules, and 3 canteens. I have not checked to see if it persists going from outpost to prospect, but this started as of 1/5/22
15 Jan, '22
Alex MergedMy outpost is still bugged since forever.
I have a lot of workshop items doubled. Sometimes, the items I leave the outpost with persist when I come back down.
As it can be seen in the attached screenshot, I am still in my drop pod, dropping, but you wouldn't think it from my inventory.
I think it's been like 3 weeks since I can't enjoy my outpost now, it's getting a little tiresome. -
18 Jan, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin"Outpost Still doubles items and persists with last equipped ones" (suggested by Alex on 2022-01-15), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
19 Feb, '22
Hell-FireI'm getting lots of duplicates and the broken items are showing repaired, just broken. I even removed items from my loadout, put items into my alts, but still persistent to give me duplicates and not repair my items.
21 Mar, '22
GlitchLoading MergedWhen entering the forest outpost with a full loadout, you will have all the items in the loadout as well as any items from previous trips to the outpost. Effectively duping any workshop items.
26 Mar, '22
Peaceful Jim MergedSame thing happens to me every time I re-enter my outpost. I have an entire wooden cupboard filled with duped workshop items now.
28 Mar, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin"Loadout Item Replication" (suggested by Antagonizer2000 on 2022-01-06), including upvotes (4) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
28 Mar, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin"[BUG] Workshop items dupe glitch" (suggested by LordVirulus on 2022-03-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
28 Mar, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin"BUG Outpost crashes & duplications" (suggested by Gibby on 2021-12-14), including upvotes (5) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
28 Mar, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin"[Bug]Leaving and entering an outpost with exotics will duplicate them on the outpost." (suggested by Seth on 2021-12-05), including upvotes (4) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
19 Apr, '22
Max MergedIf you go the secound time to your outpost, all your equip will be doubled. I haven t try to bring it back to the orbit, but i could be possible. I hope my original equip won t be deleted, after the fix.
With best regrets
Max -
20 Apr, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin"[Bug] to double items (Outpost)" (suggested by Max on 2022-04-19), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.