[Bug] Being downed while wearing Full Nano and full inv, Vanishes
If you are downed while wearing full nano armor, and have a full inventory, when you are revived, the armor simply vanishes. Gone.
Comments: 14
08 Dec, '21
夺命马鲛鱼 MergedHi,
Our whole group lost our carbon nano sets when we came back from a mission. One of us put all 5 pieces on cargoship while another left all 5 on him when we left. None of us got it back and we did check the mailbox. We'd like to know if it's a bug or an intension given that the set is not cheap. -
08 Dec, '21
inSEPPtion MergedSo i've crafted the nano gear set from the workshop, firstly I took just the helm into a prospect to see if it would return to the station afterwards. It didn't.
Then I decided to craft the entire set and keep them stored in the "Your items" tab in case I wanted to use it for some hard mission. To bad they just dissapeared from here as well? is this a feature that items just dissapear even if you don't use them or am I just plain stupid and missing something? -
09 Dec, '21
feherdaniel MergedSame here. ALL of the items that I didn't bring with myself for the mission just disappeared
EDIT: Restarting the game gave me the items back -
10 Dec, '21
Ulq.Cifer Merged1) Started 'El Camino': Expedition with full armor + some more items
2) Fighting with worm, almost died
3) Completed mission and returned to orbit
4) All items with me, but all armor disappeared -
10 Dec, '21
Ulq.Cifer Mergedp.s. was doing it in online mode solo
Later did same mission again but with friend that got whole naneo armor set too and hes armor didnt disappear -
10 Dec, '21
Lasz MergedI was playing with a friend (he was the host), he accidently killed me (with a beautiful headshot) and when he revived me my armor (the carbon armor set) disappeared. I had a full inventory, maybe thats why?
13 Dec, '21
HGFabrik MergedHi,
The durability is still lost to poison DoT which is not supposed to count towards durability loss. I have fought many wolves/hogs/Bears without even losing 20% of the durability. Just from poison DoT alone I have lost so much durability (like 80%). I observed that those DoT (1,2,1,1,1) dmg counts as hits..... Please review and patch -
14 Dec, '21
Marco Melloni MergedSimilar situation here. I had died and friend grabbed all my Workshop gear (Canteen, Oxygen Bottle, Knife, Pickaxe, Bow, and Full Set of Naneo). I had to log off when I died. So they picked it all up and completed mission. Everything was returned to me in mail except for the full set of Naneo.
14 Dec, '21
Klawful2011Ended prospect, loaded another, still gone. Entire set of Nano which took days of questing to get, gone.
14 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"Lost carbon nano back to orbit station" (suggested by 夺命马鲛鱼 on 2021-12-08), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
14 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"workshop items dissapear" (suggested by inSEPPtion on 2021-12-08), including upvotes (7) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
14 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"Naneo Armor durability bugged vs poison DoT" (suggested by HGFabrik on 2021-12-13), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
14 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"[Bug] Naneo armor lost again (even after patch)" (suggested by Ulq.Cifer on 2021-12-10), including upvotes (4) and comments (2), was merged into this suggestion.
15 Dec, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin"[BUG] Workshop armor set disappears when player gets revived (with full inventory)" (suggested by Lasz on 2021-12-10), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.