[Suggestion] Creature Features - Creature Ideas

11 votes

Variety is the spice of life, the same is true for games. Interactive and mindful mechanics players need to learn and memorize goes a long way to enjoyment as opposed to simple HP pools one needs to chew through.

1) Blind Hunters, hunt by sound or smell, maybe both.
2) Eyeball, can only hunt by sight, can not hear, getting too close lets it smell you.
3) Climbers, can scale walls, more impactful when bears no longer can. Monkey or Spider-ish
4) Lure Mechanic, can lure enemies towards a food, sound or sight source to help navigate dangerous areas.
5) Floaters, floats... not as scary as full on flying death bringers but no one wants to get touched by a floating jellyfish looking death bringer.
6) Pack Hunters, surrounds the player in a coordinated manner, audible communication by creatures warns of this.
7) Stalkers, will follow you to infinity and beyond! (Also to your base where it will murder you in your sleep) Keep a watchful eye out for them.
8) Rescuers, will help if attacked.

Under consideration AI Suggested by: Futurelord Upvoted: 27 Jul, '23 Comments: 3

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