[Suggestion] More Dropship Slots - Buying / Baseline / Etc
Dev note - Hijacked top thread to merge similar suggestions.
that you are able to buy 1 more slot in your drop ship for 1000 gold currency and 100 purple currency and the cost scales for each upgrade you do, like a 20% linear increase each time,
1000-1200-1400-1600-etc and 100-120-140-160-etc
since once you got the suit, you use half the space to bring that down, in my case, 1 spear, 1 module, 1 pickaxe, flask and oxygent tank, i aint able to bring axe-knife-bow-arrows, anything else, thoughts everyone?
Comments: 245
06 Dec, '21
Osnauticus MergedYou can fit 10 items into the drop ship cargo when starting a prospect, but only 5 when returning from a prospect. So you will lose 5 items if you fill the down storage.
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10 Dec, '21
Cameron MergedAs per the title, please allow us to "equip" the modules to the suit we are wearing in the loadout screen before starting a prospect. Modules needing to be in our dropship cargo eats up inventory space that could be used to be other useful items. This will become a heavier detriment over time as more suits are added, increasing the available module slots, and the increase of more useful workshop items being added to the game.
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10 Dec, '21
Rick MergedAfter you unlock and craft the suit, you'll only have 5 slots left when landing. If I want to bring down any tools and a weapon, there's no space for luxuries like the canteen and air-tank, let alone something like the new campfire or a whacker.
10 Dec, '21
Balvron MergedOne extra row in the drop ship going down would be nice. As it is currently you have to pick and choose since if you get the armor it takes the cargo coming down but auto attaches to you and doesn't have to be put back coming up. This severely limits what you can take and one extra row would, in my opinion, justify how mant things you can buy in the workshop but are severely limited in taking down to a planet with.
11 Dec, '21
Rox MergedExotic armor shouldnt take 5 slots of our dropship cargo (Should work same way as envirosuit), that leave us just 5 slots to place essential tool, maybe arrows and thats it, cant take extra modules, rations, vaccines, etc.
11 Dec, '21
PopsInSpace MergedPlease give us a way to add more slots thru mission completions, currency, or something, please.
12 Dec, '21
Zhio MergedI agree for sure. Especially since the UI in game for module slots makes it seem that some suits will have 6-8 slots
15 Dec, '21
Diatom MergedI noticed that if I want to drop with the exotic knife, axe, pick, canteen, campfire, and suit modules I can't bring them all back. Can you make it so exotics in your character's inventory can come back without having to load them in the drop pod or extend the return drop pod inventory?
16 Dec, '21
Glen Douglas MergedIncrease load out slots ( extra 5 ) with level 30 plus players so we can use the exotic items ( or in turn allow armor slots to be filled proir to leaving for missions,
Allow slots to be purchasable with coin and or exotic perhaps
Allow or use numbered ID s for drop ships so we know which ship is yours -
16 Dec, '21
Vulture2k Mergeditems in your hotbar and inventory count too, so you have plenty of slots to return, mission objective items should be in the dropship slots though.
16 Dec, '21
schokobudding MergedI didn´t even craft much and i´m already full. Please add more slots.
18 Dec, '21
john hancock100% agree. You lose the desire to buy more which loses the value int he game they are trying to acheive
19 Dec, '21
Skelo MergedCould we please get more Dropship cargo slots? By the time you take a Nano armor set, you only have 5 slots left for other things, you can never go with all your goodies. Would be nice too.
19 Dec, '21
Nathan Jurgens MergedWould be nice if armor did not take up slots, since your auto wearing it like your suit.
20 Dec, '21
Cameron MergedThis would not only help differentiate visually between your dropship and your friends' dropship but also bring some joy to a playthrough when you see a dropship you recognize!
20 Dec, '21
Arlo MergedSo all purchased gear returns with you to the station no matter where it is in your inventory?
20 Dec, '21
Christopher Kogan MergedMore inventory in dropship cargo
22 Dec, '21
Juasonason MergedYep, this is truly needed. 10 slots just isn't enough. We work really hard to obtain exotic gear but can't even use it when we drop into a new mission. I get that there should be some level of strategy when gearing up for a mission, but 10 isn't enough to really do that. I would suggest being able to increase it to 15, even if that was a workshop unlock. At least the option would be there.
23 Dec, '21
ArashiDragon MergedAdditionally/Optionally:
Allow suit slots to be visible like they are during a mission so you can put your loadout items that go in the suit, into the suit without taking up dropship slots.
IE: Canteen in the water slot, O2 tank in the ox slot, armor in the armor slots, etc. -
23 Dec, '21
cody rice MergedYes all gear and exotics in your inventory return to ship if not in inventory.
24 Dec, '21
chaExactly at some point, i need more space
24 Dec, '21
Naj MergedYa i wouldnt mind having it locked behind currency to get more slots but atleast have the option.
24 Dec, '21
Dan MergedYup, I second all of these. Once you get the armor suit, you don't have enough space to bring other items down. Could we allow air, canteen, and modules to already be stored in the suit? The ability to buy more storage wouldn't be awful. Maybe some other ways to customize your dropship as well, like a paint job to distinguish who's is who's.
25 Dec, '21
Sam MergedI would actually love customizing dropships, it would be cool to have that to go by so I know which one to run to instead of doing the usual check all pods roulette
26 Dec, '21
heaNz Mergedadd the torch slot like minecraft !
27 Dec, '21
BadgerNot sure I'd make so expensive, but this is a much needed thing (or, allow us to take the armour as a *set*, instead of it taking 5 slots!)
28 Dec, '21
Rasmus T MergedIndeed we need more spaces..
five armor pieces, two modules, o2 tank and kanteena leave out only a single slot for an pickaxe/axe or campfire ect.
Then there is also a wide range of consumabels purchasable in orbit, but where would these fit into the late game with only 10 cargo spaces..?? -
29 Dec, '21
kristil_methidFor the armour pieces, and possibly the suit modules, perhaps they shouldn't take up dropship inventory space at all? For a game that's focused around "realism", if I was dropping into a hostile planet and had a set of armour and suit modules I wouldn't stow them in the ship, I'd equip them before I left the station.
Tools like knives, axes etc. sure, put them in the ship stowage because I don't want to catch a knife to the thigh on a rough drop, but I'd sure as shit wear my armour and install my suit modules before the drop.
Given the fact your suit is equipped before the drop, you can equip your gear while you're still dropping in, and you don't have to stow any of it in the pod directly when you leave the planet, why should you not be able to equip this gear prior to the drop? It's inconsistent that there's 10 slots on drop but 5 when leaving. Perhaps only have 5 slots when dropping, but per above don't consume them with armour and suit modules and reserve them for tools. -
01 Jan, '22
KekLeo MergedPlease make the naneo armor wearable by the character during drop, instead of having to use 5 cargo slots to carry things that you magically arrive wearing on landing.
01 Jan, '22
Ottokyu Merged+1 for this...
01 Jan, '22
NoesongE MergedIt would be nice to be able to pre-equip workshop items in the loadout.
(items such as water bottles or modules)
Inserting them one by one into the navigation area is cumbersome. -
02 Jan, '22
Chris Mergedor if you have a complete set of armour it only takes up 1 slot.
03 Jan, '22
stephen coles Mergedyou dont need to put your items back in to drop ship, you keep them on yourself and they return with you, the same way they arrive.
03 Jan, '22
stephen coles Mergedtotally agree, the armor is on your person, and it still takes up sots, the tanks are on your person, but still take up slots, this needs to change so we can take down what we want, or you should be able to purchase the option from the space station as an upgrade, just like the suits.
04 Jan, '22
Dodo MergedUnfortunately, not all items that were bought in the workshop can be taken into the mining area. The armor occupies 5/10 places. I would like to increase the space to 15 or to wear the armor directly on the body.
06 Jan, '22
Mike MergedSuit Modules should be under the Suit (Like on screenshot)
You will save up to 2 slots for another thing like pickaxe,axe,bow, etc... -
07 Jan, '22
Futurelord MergedEnvirosuits having their own slots you can put stuff in before dropping into a prospect would be a better and more realistic inventory management. Same for having your armor already being worn during drop instead of in your inventory slots. Inventory items should be things that is actually in the ship's inventory space and not being worn on your person.
07 Jan, '22
Noone special MergedAdd another 5 slots around it for armor, reduce the other slots to 8 maybe? Although it seems the intention is that you can't go into certain missions with a full hunting loadout from drop, allowing loop farming of particular extermination missions.
07 Jan, '22
Eld MergedFirst, love this game. Keep doing what y'all are doing at Rocketwerkz!
I would be willing to pay big rocket dollars for some extra slots on the dropship or even better, upgrade the dropship itself using exotics so it can generate more power and carry more cargo and give it some swanky new boosters, or visual changes. It would be sweet to maybe even work towards a new dropship that has a med bay or starting cot and kitchen on-board. How awesome would that be!
So excited for the future of this game. I see the vision! -
09 Jan, '22
GP MergedYeah we need more slots on the way down (or better yet a version of the character screen to pre-equip your stuff).
The game is designed to keep starting over, and become more efficient with each drop. However now you hit another limit due to not being able to bring everything you unlock in the workshop. Running the Naneo armor for example is half the slots already. Image wanting to bring consumables like vaccins etc. Hopefully this will be updated, either directly or via an ingame drop pod upgrade. -
09 Jan, '22
cyn MergedHi yes please add more slots please would like to take more items with
12 Jan, '22
Arlo MergedThe Dropship Cargo needs more slots. It would be nice to be able to take all your purchased tools, armor, weapons, and accessories on your missions.
12 Jan, '22
Lara MergedMaybe we could purchase an upgraded dropship pod with more cargo slots? You could have it be incremental with the largest allowing us to take a good deal of equipment. Though, I agree the armor shouldn't take up as many slots since you're wearing it. The current amount makes buying other things pointless and we have nothing to work towards since we can't take more with us. Custom paint jobs would be nice too.
14 Jan, '22
Dennis van Hoose MergedPlease add more inventory slots in the loadout section. Currently there are 10 slots and that is
not enough. Thx for allowing players to give constructive feedback. -
21 Jan, '22
Rimtuuk MergedFirst, I understand why there is a limit to how many items you can carry in the dropship's cargo pod and it makes sense. As I see it there are two category of items you have tools and suit equipment. Suit equipment consists of suits, the O2 tank, Canteen, modules, and armor. Its basically in item that you equip in your suit. Tools would encompass everything else. Tools should go in the cargo pod slots while should be able to be loaded into your suit when you are selecting your load out. For example, once I have my suit select I should be able to drag and drop items on to the envirosuit box and they should be either loaded into the suit (modules, O2 Tank, canteen) or onto the suit as with the armor. Since you are wearing your suit no reason for these items to be put in the cargo slots. To remove the items simply clear the suit.
22 Jan, '22
JackylMy honest opinion on this is they should have had 15 slots on your drop ship to start with and an option to purchase up to five additional slots.
22 Jan, '22
Tammy MergedIt would be better to have the Modules and Backpacks cargo placed in the Envirosuit section box and not part of the Dropship Cargo section boxes. Right now, especially since you've added more workshop items, we do not have enough Dropship Cargo slots to take everything down with us on our mission, so it really detours me from spending my Rocket Bucks on any more items when I can't take them on a mission with me,
22 Jan, '22
Rimtuuk MergedThey should also include the O2 tank and Canteen since they go into the suit.
22 Jan, '22
Dustin MergedWould it be possible to have additional dropship cargo inventory slots available for purchase in the workshop? Right now it's annoying to be so limited in what to choose to bring with you to each mission.
23 Jan, '22
Tai MergedEspecially with the addition of seeds along with other consumables, the game would really benefit from more dropship cargo inventory slots. If you have a suit that takes two modules, just taking the naneo armor, the modules, a canteen, and an oxygen tank you take up 9/10 slots, which means only taking one piece of equipment outside of your suit. It would be nice to be able to take basic tools along with those like knife, pickaxe, axe, and a weapon (which if you're bringing arrows with your bow that's already taking up two spaces). 15 spaces sounds fair maybe pay to upgrade space up to 20 spaces, like an upgrade to your dropship? Or at least have armor or modules count as separate spaces like the suit.