[Suggestion] Light Switches
A switch to turn on multiple electric items on such as lights.
Comments: 62
16 Dec, '21
Michael Becker Mergedadd in some switches so we can have 1 gen but switch everything off or on as we need it or maybe up the electricity output of a gen so we don't have to have 1 gen for each electrical device. I can understand 1 gen powering 2-3 things at once but 1 gen to power 1 thing is a bit absurd.
17 Jan, '22
Markus Kohlberger MergedIt would be helpful to integrate a light switch, which the player could on top of an circuit or somewhere near, to put wires on. Or even for example between the power source and a device like a lamp or machine...
04 Mar, '22
Jessica MergedYES- please add an on/off switch we can install on a wall or other area. This would be especially helpful because the generator turns off when you load out of the game & not needing to go turn it on manually (for me, tucked away in a corner or basement section) would be nice. It would also be nice to easily turn off/on if leaving home & want to conserve biofuel for one reason or another.
12 Mar, '22
K.M. MergedThis is specifically for the Material Processor, but anything that is using electricity such as the fridge and other items should have switches to let you "borrow power" by switching something off temporarily to power another thing. The Material Processor specifically should be able to deactivate when not processing anything to release use of power without having to re-wire everything.
19 Mar, '22
BlindGhost MergedYes!! with electrical machines everywhere its hard to connect and disconnect things when you don't have enough power
25 Mar, '22
Chris Goble MergedI couldn't agree more. When you have a lot of lights and having to go manually turn every single one on is a pain. A light switch would be amazing in this game for sure!!!!
27 Mar, '22
Avon Mergedyes an on/off switch would be GREAT to have for controlling multi-light rooms
27 Mar, '22
Avon Mergedan on/off switch would be GREAT for multi-light rooms
28 Mar, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"on/off switch" (suggested by Avon on 2022-03-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
31 Mar, '22
Mistercapsul(Aleksander) MergedI propose to introduce switches in Tier 3 or Tier 4 and so on. For example: The lighting and the furnace are powered by the same generator. Lead the wire from the generator to the switch and from the switch to the lamps. So that you can turn off the lighting or something else without turning off the generator.
01 Apr, '22
Bryan MergedEverything should have a power switch. Or, alternatively, a panel box where you can switch on and off different items when needed.
10 Apr, '22
Phil MergedAgreed, i do feel a little spoiled for asking for it but it would be invaluable, rather than running round the base manually turning on lights or having to have a separate generator for the lights alone :-)
12 Apr, '22
DeeMan Fartz MergedI would recommend a revamp of the existing electronics items, with the following basic suggestions: - Basic on/off switch so certain circuits can be controlled upon entry. - Motion switch that would be on when in vicinity but off when not. - Generator burns fuel at rate of use, and burn very little/no fuel at idle. Possibly turn itself on and off automatically based on the line load, like a real generator does. - Basic current/load max per circuit, to introduce either external circuit breaker box or at the source of power. i.e. each line does a maximum of 5.5k, etc. - Battery backup to act as power source when no other power source is present, with simple on/off switch.
02 May, '22
Neal MergedIt would be nice to regulate when to enable or disable certain things. For example, I want to turn on the biofuel generator when it is night (and the solar panels are not working) and vice versa to turn off the generator when the solar panels are working.
I would also like to see something like batteries where you can store energy. So you can take them with you and put them somewhere near the electric drill or somewhere else where it is inconvenient or far to conduct electricity with wires. -
26 Aug, '22
Michael MergedSwitches are really needed.
Motion sensors also would be nice.
And a display for used and aviable power on the generator, or maybe with cable in hand when pointing at wire. -
07 Oct, '22
timske Mergedan on/off switch would be a huge QoL improvement
16 Oct, '22
nachtkinder MergedPerhaps on/off switch functionality could be added to the electrical junctions that are created with the wiring tool. That way the player can lay out their electrical network as they wish and toggle everything past a particular junction on/off as they please. This need not require a different model to be created thus saving the devs/designers some work.
10 Dec, '22
AcidPsycho79 MergedWith the updated open world and outposts they released this would be amazing since a lot more people have incentive to build more complex bases/workshops. Sure you can always have generators running all the time but sometimes I like the asthetic of the natural lighting while in my base without turning off each of my 20+ lights.
25 Dec, '22
Nexus MergedIt would be great if you could attach a switch to the electrical devices And a switch for the light would be great A battery as a storage medium for energy would not be too bad either, as lead could also be added as a resource
07 Jan, '23
Kammo MergedI vote on this as well as peaceable switches to turn the generator on and off because we like to place the generators either under the building or somewhere out of sight but would be nice to be able to run a switch somewhere convenient and turn it on or off when needed.
16 Jan, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"Switches" (suggested by Michael Becker on 2021-12-16), including upvotes (29) and comments (8), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Jan, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"Light switch integration" (suggested by Markus Kohlberger on 2022-01-17), including upvotes (14) and comments (3), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Jan, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"Power Switch for electrical items" (suggested by K.M. on 2022-03-12), including upvotes (10) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Jan, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"Automation. Switches and other" (suggested by Mistercapsul(Aleksander) on 2022-03-31), including upvotes (7) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Jan, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"electrical distribution" (suggested by Nexus on 2022-12-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
18 Jan, '23
Aittig MergedHonestly a rechargeable battery as a workshop item would be a great item; or make our drop pods have internal battery storage so that we're incentivized more to keep them nearby our base would be nice.
15 Feb, '23
GP Patch MergedAdding a Circuit Board [Circuit Breaker Box] would bring the connect/disconnect function to electric benches. Currently, power consumption is based on all benches, pumps, etc... that are connected to the "grid". Switches would should facilitate a 'disconnect' which would allow to overall lower power requirements.
13 Jun, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"[Suggestion] Electrical switches for doors, windows" (suggested by Technoguru on 2021-10-25), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
10 Jul, '23
WindWraith MergedIcarus electricity is very frustrating. It would be wonderful to have electric items only draw off the power grid when they are actually using electricity. Just being plugged in should not count against the available current. Why don't all things that use electricity click on and off like the electric lights do? Obviously, the solution exists, it's just not being used. Please do this for all things that use electricity.
While you are at it how about controlling water as well?
Thank you. -
11 Jul, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"On demand Electricity" (suggested by WindWraith on 2023-07-10), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
19 Jul, '23
NeroVice MergedWe need to add a power switch to be added to all electric benches and devices so we can regulate power consumption....Its ridiculous that we have benches and furnaces that don't have one. As of now if we have everything electrified...they are always running even though they aren't in use...I have a game play that has 28 water wheels in the river. If we have this power switch..we can turn off devices and turn on the devices that we want to use at the moment....this way we don't need to have a monumental amount of generators and water wheels...
20 Jul, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"Add a power switch for every electronic device" (suggested by NeroVice on 2023-07-19), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
04 Aug, '23
J P MergedThis would be a genuine QoL improvement - a single switch to turn on the bank of biofuel generators needed to keep the freezer running overnight, instead of having to switch each on individually as the sun goes down
A junction box with a wattage count would also be a god-send - see at a glance how much excess power you have on a circuit before you add that extra bench/freezer/aquarium and brown-out the lot... -
07 Aug, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"[SUGGESTION] Basic electronic switches and features." (suggested by DeeMan Fartz on 2022-04-12), including upvotes (34) and comments (4), was merged into this suggestion.
09 Aug, '23
Dwain MergedA switch to turn on/off generators based on power needs. If solar/waterwheel power is insufficient it will automatically turn on generators and the reverse, especially a day/night cycle.
09 Aug, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"Power switch" (suggested by Dwain on 2023-08-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
20 Aug, '23
w_e_n_d_a MergedI would like to design a central switch for the lights so that one or more switches can be connected to one circuit of the cable, so that each light does not have to be turned off individually or centrally by turning off the generator.
06 Sep, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"central switch" (suggested by w_e_n_d_a on 2023-08-20), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
10 Sep, '23
Daniel PiccolottoIn addition to switches, to turn on/off devices, a circuit breaker box could be placed to turn on/off circuits, this way we could distribute the various electrical equipment, according to use, e.g.: Electric Oven with the Materials processor. An energy meter could also be placed to know how much energy reserves are left. Of course, it is possible to know this by adding the amount of energy produced and subtracting the amount used, but this would give the game more reality, as we are talking about Prospectors who came from another planet.
10 Sep, '23
Johnathan MergedWith more Tier 4 power needs in Open Worlds, it would be nice to have everything show as a breaker/switch on a Power Panel of shorts to turn benches and other items on or off, lights could be all one switch, as well as a nice little Power Available Meter (so we know when to add more power).
Additional Things that would be nice:
Location of Power Sources on map (online status)
Grid Map of Power Lines -
10 Sep, '23
Johnathan MergedNot sure exactly what all that can be involved but running fiber cables between benches and bases.
19 Sep, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"Power Breaker Panel" (suggested by Johnathan on 2023-09-10), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
19 Sep, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"Data Network" (suggested by Johnathan on 2023-09-10), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Sep, '23
CrommThis would make lights SO much better!
27 Sep, '23
noppanen MergedI wonder if it will be posible to add switch and battery
27 Sep, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"electric" (suggested by noppanen on 2023-09-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Oct, '23
Gill MergedCan not use light and water pump that turn off lights and turn on water pump or vice versa. One solution would be implement main switch for separating cabling.
17 Oct, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"[BUG?/Suggestion] wall light using electricity even switched off" (suggested by Gill on 2023-10-16), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
18 Oct, '23
Richard Mergedelectricity and water - seems to be buggy - power has to be discconnected and reconnected. maybe make a connection board to bring power in too? otherwise not all power comes through and NO WAY to check this (perhpas tools to show low and power thoughout too?)
1 -
19 Oct, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"Electrical and Water bugs" (suggested by Richard on 2023-10-18), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.