[Bug] Dry Run: Expedition

5 votes

First of all, there are clearly a lot of people having issues here. I reviewed all the other suggestions, and nothing seems to exactly fit the issue I have.

Note: I had issues getting through the first wall, and in particular when nothing was happening I encountered a bug where when I removed the drill and replaced it, the game crash. I noted this extensively on the Steam forums here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1149460/discuss

Somehow the game resolved itself after a crash, and the first wall was gone, and the drill back in my inventory. So I pushed onto the second wall, and nothing's happening.

First, note that the drill is running and the solar power is providing it with power. However, after 5+ in-game days, it's stuck at 3% complete. It's not getting through the second wall.

I've tried moving the solar panel, removing and replacing the drill, and nothing happens. I think the mission is borked. And I only have two days to complete the mission. I suspect I'll have to abort.

Under consideration Missions Suggested by: WadeW Upvoted: 14 Feb, '22 Comments: 6

Comments: 6