[Bug] Unable to Refresh food buff
After week four patch, if you leave a prospect to character select and return, you cannot refresh a food buff. You have to wait for the buff to expire.
Comments: 10
05 Dec, '21
Daiceman MergedIf you have say the cooked meat buff active, and you eat a meat from your hotbar, the buff will not refresh. It DOES refresh if you right click and consume.
18 Dec, '21
Alex Mergedfor some food (particularly cooked meat) even consuming via right click in inventory no longer refreshes the buff timer
21 Dec, '21
Darren MergedFood does not refresh buff when additonal food consumed before buff expires
Fish curry
roast veg
crumbed fish
etc -
21 Dec, '21
Dundin MergedI've noticed this occur when you have a food buff active when you resume or rejoin a prospect. After the 'unrefreshable' food buff ends, it's worked normally for me.
09 Jan, '22
Noone specialalso probably need to add notes on foods that cannot be applied at the same time, like wine and beer.
12 Jan, '22
Roji MergedStill going strong this bug
12 Jan, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin"Food does not refresh buff when additonal food consumed" (suggested by Darren on 2021-12-21), including upvotes (7) and comments (2), was merged into this suggestion.
12 Jan, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin"[bug]Eating from bar does not refresh food buff if already active." (suggested by Daiceman on 2021-12-05), including upvotes (2) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
15 Jun, '22
cmopatrickIt would be nice if this either was fixed or never worked. The inconsistent nature of the rebuff after either logging back to character select or quitting the game instance is frustrating.
25 May, '24
StefanFood buffs can be deactivated now.