Farming Crops
Farming crops should have an increased yield as to how much you get when its done growing. Waiting all that time just for a few pieces of the crop is really time consuming and makes the concept of farming not worth doing.
Comments: 3
05 Feb, '22
W2D2Farming is worthwhile if you need to camp somewhere for a prolonged period.
I understand the need for bigger farming plots. Maybe add genetics to make crops last in harsh biomes or create higher yields.
The prolonged periods is something that the session based natie of the game undermines. We need longer missions work multiple objectives to make T4 and farming worthwhile. -
08 Feb, '22
BrianWith the latest update I thought we were at least going to see an increase with stuff like wheat, coffee and cacao.
28 Oct, '22
TripleMYou should be able to get as much yield as (or even more) gathering wheat and corn with a sickle.