Lost Items in seconds before the capsule starts - Need Help!

5 votes


i ask for help! Until now I was very satisfied.
I just successfully completed a mission, when putting the exotics in the capsule I was attacked and died a second after I had pressed on to the orbit,

the capsule just started and I could not get to my surplus bag which is right in front of the Capsule and now on the planet is now:
- my oxygen tank
- water bottle
- red backpack
- pickaxe Chen Gong
- MK knife
- bow
- Module +2 Slots.
This is a Bug!
I ask for help, please, afer more than 200 real time Hours!

My Char is flying dead to the Orbit (i Had a Base with bed ...)

My Steam Accountname: counterschlampe

Mail: denis.otten@t-online.de

ICARUS Char Name: Starcounter

Last Mission with the Problem: Influx Construction



Under consideration Missions Suggested by: Starcounter Upvoted: 21 May, '22 Comments: 0

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