Mistake. Disappeared all purchased items at the station

2 votes

I returned to the station after the mission and found that all the items that I did not take with me on the mission were gone. An oxygen tank, a fire, spacesuit modules, 2 backpacks, an old bow and the most offensive - a pickaxe, the creation of which costs 750 coins and 250 exotics! Can you imagine how many hours of game lost?! As I imagined how much time it would take to buy it all again - I got really sick of playing. Moreover, there are no guarantees that all this will not disappear again. Or maybe it was your kind of sanctions against Russia? Like all Russian property - to confiscate? (Joke)

Under consideration Workshop Suggested by: Дмитрий Upvoted: 11 Mar, '22 Comments: 1

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