Missions with permanent effects on the world/ gameplay
A good portion of the missions are to build structures for future expeditions or provide resources to the space station. Completing these misions should have some kind of long term effects in the game, like buildings being persistent, or gaining the ability to start a mission with a full air tank for completing Ramp Up: Stockpile, etc.
Comments: 2
04 May, '22
FluffyI agree with this. Particularly for the Stockpile and construction missions. You are setting up, or sending up, supplies that are intended for future use. These could even be company locked. I can't recall offhand which company requested Ramp Up: Stockpile....but you could make it specifically so that future missions performed for that company after completing that specific mission, add a full oxygen tank and full fuel tank to the players inventory on drop. Similar rewards can exist for the other stockpile missions. The construction missions could add small outposts to the game in the location you built at, containing the basic structures the mission needed added. They need not perfectly match whatever the player actually built, assume that other prospectors for the company made changes later and then pick a standard structure to provide. But for example the medical construction...a small stone house with a bed and a herbal bench in the corner of the riverlands....
17 May, '24
StefanLike in open world mode now.
So it seems this is DONE.