Dried fruit/Veggies
The ability to dry fruit and veggies to harvest actual seeds from them for farming. Say 1 watermelon could yield you 3-5 seeds.
Comments: 2
03 May, '22
FluffyI would say "Dried Fruit" in general. Just more things for the drying rack. But most, if not all, fruits veggies and berries can be "Dried". Just like with dried meats it would increase their storage time and possibly change their effects?
If we want to add something "new", make a recipe for aluminum cans (maybe 50x per aluminum ingot or something like that), then 1 can and one basic something or another can go into the fire and come out as a "Canned food". Should either remove or massively boost its spoilage time while also reducing some of its other values. Maybe remove some secondary effects but boost the actual food value? Not sure how to balance that, but canning is an OLD process. We already have a few examples of it using the glass jars and the kitchen bench for Jam. Same concept. Maybe make this recipe only available at the kitchen bench? -
01 Aug, '24
StefanThere are more things to dry now, seeds and salting is implemented.
Better write a new specific suggestion if needed.