[Suggestion] Achivements and generally accolades to start giving rewards
At the moment when you get an achievement or medal etc, you do not get a reward. It would be nice for example to get an achievement for finishing 20-30 unique missions that you will have personally started them (and finishing them solo or with friends) and in the end to get for example 2-3 more slots at your POD for more exotics or more space for your workshop items, or some talent points. Same when you kill all four bosses (aka all 4 medals, maybe 6-7 later will upgrade that reward). Generally the idea will be to get a nice reward finishing an achievement or a set of accolades.
Comments: 23
19 Dec, '21
Chimere MergedAccolades right now Is just a bragging right. Simple suggestion is to add appropriate blueprint and talent points to accolades earned.
Level 1 accolade earn 1 blueprint point.
Level 2 accolade earn 3 blueprint point
Level 3 accolade earn 1 talent point in respective skill family ( kill 1000 wolves get 1 combat specific talent point, mine 1000 ore get 1 talent in resource collection tree)
Level 4/5 accolade earn 3 talent in specific talent tree.
There should be something earned for these "achivements" why else have them in game? -
26 Dec, '21
Eyeandan Mergedassuming we are keeping the points given up to lvl 40 (120-BP/40-TP)
this would give a total of 364-BP and 353-TP
there are less than 350 techs in the game atm
so we would have extra BPs after having everything unlocked
one of the things people are asking for is either TP respec, or more TPs
with this in the game, we would have 353-TPs
it would take 469 TPs to max out the talent trees (including solo)
that would be about 75% of all of the trees filled, which seems pretty much perfect imo
the only change i would recommend is not having tree specific points
cause otherwise, you have 18 unusable points, in the survival tree
(without putting any lvl-up TPs into the tree) -
26 Dec, '21
Eyeandan Mergedbasically just making it so you can show off your medals in game
either on your arm or chest
similar to how military medals are done
definitely not a huge game mechanic, just something that i thought might be neat -
10 Jan, '22
Jello MergedRewards are awesome! Now when i get the achievement of mining 500 gold for example, i get nothing. Just a message of me getting it but i dont feel rewarded by that. This would be perfect to unluck new looks for our characters ! Maybe even in game craftable unlocks like unlocking a mining helmet on which u can add a flashlight for example ( but it should be pretty expensive cause it sounds OP )
13 Jan, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"accolade medals, as equitable vanity items" (suggested by Eyeandan on 2021-12-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Jan, '22
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"Accolades rework." (suggested by Chimere on 2021-12-19), including upvotes (4) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Feb, '22
Firewright MergedThe completion of an accomplishment from the accolade tree gives character a stat-sheet bonus appropriate to the completed accomplishment.
14 Mar, '22
Entity MergedCompleting certain accolades rewards the player with cosmetics and/or special unique exotics. Example: killing 1000 wolfs accolade rewards the player with a skin for your suit that has wolf pelt on it. Another example would be the boss accolades unlock special exotic tools in the workshop that is themed towards that boss (pickaxe made from mammoth tusks, or bow/arrows made from sandworm scales/teeth)
24 Mar, '22
Mavor MergedI was going to suggest this as well. Cosmetic suit rewards for high accolades - that represent the various skill disciplines - one mining oriented, one botanical, one hunter and one construction, perhaps others as well. Granted, armor would end up covering much of the suit up - so perhaps armor skins are better suited for this concept?
24 Mar, '22
Fresa MergedArchivements should have effects. Kill wolves? Get better at killing wolves!
If you get an Archivement it should have some effect. If you kill a lot of animals, you get to know their weak spots and how they act, make you better at killing them.
So, kill archivement 1, 1% more damage to animal, 2% for second, 3% for third. It isn´t much, but it reflects your experience.
The same with mining and harvesting. For every archivement you get a smal bonus in the amount you get.
The same for construct buildings. Maybe you save only one resource per part, like only 5 rebars for concrete instead of 6, one nail less for stone, less wood for wood or something like that.
Currently you can be the best in something, but that don´t has any effect. -
06 Apr, '22
Jack MergedExamples:
X kms moved in a certain environment: less stamina cost of running in that environment (possibility to continuously run without stopping to regain stamina)
stealth kills: better stealth
number of kills: bonus damage
bow kills: highlight (instead of the talents)
rifle kills: highlight -
12 Jun, '22
cmopatrickEven a +1% improvement per achievement level would be nice. Add to base weapon damage or reduce damage received from melee when dealing with wildlife, increase harvest amount for plants, saplings, and trees, improve the base percentage (before calculating total from armor and pickaxe) of amount mined when using pickaxe on any mineral (metals, oxite, sulfur, silica, stone, etc.).
10 Jul, '22
Mário MergedWhat if you added talent points as a reward for completing honors? It would have a deeper meaning to try to fulfill them all
13 Jul, '22
Rat152 Mergedupvote good idea low priority vs issues tho
15 Sep, '22
ShockwaveYeah More talents and such is too much. I like the idea of like 1% bonus for that ore if you completed 10K of that ore or wood, or whatever.. Just something small.. not game breaking. Pod slots and talent points would make you bee line for those (and all players in a group will want that set of ribbons).
1 -
05 Oct, '22
Michael MarshallI agree. This would be nice. Even if it’s a small reward, anything would help as much as you have to grind out some of these missions.
08 Nov, '22
Sabre070 - Designer Admin"Archivements are useless" (suggested by Fresa on 2022-03-24), including upvotes (18) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
08 Nov, '22
Sabre070 - Designer Admin"[Suggestion] Accolades should unlock new customization options" (suggested by Jello on 2022-01-10), including upvotes (15) and comments (5), was merged into this suggestion.
08 Nov, '22
Sabre070 - Designer Admin"Accolade Rewards (Skins and Exotics)" (suggested by Entity on 2022-03-14), including upvotes (9) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
08 Nov, '22
Sabre070 - Designer Admin"Accolades and rewards effect stats." (suggested by Firewright on 2022-02-27), including upvotes (4) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
08 Nov, '22
Sabre070 - Designer Admin"Completed accolades = more talent points" (suggested by Mário on 2022-07-10), including upvotes (3) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
09 Mar, '23
EwenI think there is no need to add on blueprint points and the accolades will only give you talents because you get infinite blueprint points anyways and only get 60 talent points so I think it should be talent based only
18 Jun, '24
shadowtrap2010actually i think it should give passive buff? example if you get the 100 skinning archiverment it give you maybe 5% extra loot? you know since you getting proficient with the skinning process then at 1000 maybe 10% 10000 15%?
same with huntting and other stuff that would actually motivate player to try to get those archivement?