[Suggestion] "Continuous Mission" type - aka Open World Missions
Rocketwerkz Response: Merging Open World missions into this request, as this is basically the open world mission process coming in week 50, with plans for expansion in the future. ---- - Original request below - I suggest an ENDGAME! mission type (one for every 8×8km map) that has "no end". It would have the lenght of the standard "exploration" mission but it would also have "INFINITE" objecives. In short like this: - Base construction is initial mission completion and gives basic rewards. - Depoly: Contract Terminal, power it and log in. ( Can't log in before base completion.) - In every 10 - 35 min. Operation issues a new random mission (any that exists/fits) and some of it's original rewards as bonus at the CT. Accept or decline for 15min. - Player can have up to 3 active mission at any given time.
Comments: 182
12 Oct, '21
BOU MergedDear Devs,
The player can stay in the world and only has to use the drop ship to ship the required items? When opting to just shipping the items back a new mission in the same area could be selected.
However it would not be able to use upgrades available on the orbital station.
If the ores respawn after a completed mission, when staying down, should be an option made in the settings prior to starting a game.
If a mission fails, e.g. by not delivering a bio warhead, the drop ship leaves and will not return. The player can then like, in the trailer suggested, stay down until they accept the fate that they have to abandon their character. Ores do not respawn after a mission is failed.
Loop hole idea: After collecting a nearly insane amount of exotics and building a space communication device a drop ship could be ordered for pickup or mission access in the same area. Ore respawn would again be be an optional thing.
People who like building the perfect base to stay longer down. -
14 Oct, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin Merged"BW4 - Staying on the planet to build and save drop ship fuel" (suggested by BOU on 2021-10-13), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
14 Oct, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin MergedHi there! This is what Outposts are for. This is a session based game though, so staying on the planet without being on an outpost is not planned. Thanks for your feedback!
14 Oct, '21
BOU MergedDear Elissa,
Sorry for submitting the suggestion twice. I thought the first time was not uploaded correctly. If possible please delete the repetition.
Based on the gameplay experience from BW1 to BW4 the basic grind to get to e.g. steel tools might repetitive soon.
The outpost are portrayed to have no predators and weather, which would take a large chunk of fun out of the game. Trekking at night across the map fearing a bear will attack you is thrilling.
However as not all gameplay mechanics have been rolled out my assumptions and information maybe premature. -
14 Oct, '21
Elissa - Producer Admin MergedThat's all good! We're overloaded with suggestions and bugs so I just didn't get to your first one until today! Your suggestions are super useful and we'll keep it in mind when making Outposts! However, the whole point of the game is that it's session based, so it might not work like that!
25 Oct, '21
Iulian MergedI like the idea of staying longer down, but the ore respawn should not happen because of realistic terms. I suggest we make some mines have deep minerals where you use the drill machine and fuel to mine what they have. In order to identify these deep drill locations, a special electronic tool should be added that scans the walls for special drill machine locations and it will tell you what minerals are in that area.
A bigger map, at least 10X or 100X times than what we have right now and multiple quests will be quite interesting.
in BW5 I have made the perfect house and now I lost it :(. -
07 Nov, '21
Johnson MergedI think this request comes from a place of user engagement. Building a base and teching up, getting in the dropship to leave, then immediately starting another mission that puts you back in the same drop zone, but with all your base and gear deleted, is really really demoralising. It comes across as artificial extending of an otherwise short gameplay loop. If keeping surface structures intact is really not possible between prospects, we should at least be dropped in very different biomes in subsequent missions, to avoid the blatant slap in the face.
07 Nov, '21
Cipher 8 Merged"Iulian
I suggest we make some mines have deep minerals where you use the drill machine and fuel to mine what they have. In order to identify these deep drill locations, a special electronic tool should be added that scans the walls for special drill machine locations and it will tell you what minerals are in that area."
That sounds like another good use for the drill. Having exterior walls between the extended rooms of the cave that players have to drill through first in order to access the additional resources sounds like fun. -
20 Nov, '21
Shosuro Kenshin MergedNow that we have missions and can buy items on the station with the very limited currency we get from missions, can we start taking items from mission to mission? I spend hours grinding out a full set of platinum gear thinking this was the way then I get to the end and it still gets deleted...
Start next mission and its rinse, repeat. This game could get very old very fast. -
21 Nov, '21
JareeZy MergedYou take station items with up with you to use in the next mission though.
21 Nov, '21
E-Kay Merged@Shosuro Kenshin, this is Beta, when the full game drops in December your not going to farm to the point of Platinum unless the mission timer lets you. they are talking about 10-30min missions, not your full 48hr weekend mission. I think the idea is that this is a game you come back to because a new DLC was dropped, Not for us to play it like Minecraft.
_-_! -
05 Dec, '21
Iulian MergedNecro time :D
07 Dec, '21
Jason Terry MergedFrom Jay#2383
Currently there is no reason to settle into a prospect, and the 29 day prospects are not valuable to the majority of players who are aiming to gain currency for the workshop.
Players are speedrunning missions like Bio Material, or farming animals in the desert to speed up the XP grind.
Give players an incentive to settle in and stay in prospect.
Every real day elapsed in prospect rewards players with Yellow Currency at a rate relative to their character level.
Lower level prospectors are then forced to do missions while higher level prospectors gain more from long term stays on icarus. -
08 Dec, '21
MishaXG MergedRight now the timer is way too long in comparaison of what we have to do: 7 days missions that takes 1 to 2 hours to finish.
I want to be clear here: NOT ALL MISSIONS should be like that!
Still having more "threat" to lose your character would be a good thing!
- Having to repair pod or stop a storm before take off
- Random events durng all missions so repeating a mission isn't allways the same thing
- Longer mission with multiple task + random events: scan this area > find caves > collect things in those cave > fight hard mobs > a crash happened explore > break a wall to access an area where pod crash > kill hard monster > repair your pods with specific item to find arround the map > stop the storm > take off
- Random drops cause of storms (when you play in multiplayer people have to find each other first)
In general those missions shouldn't be mandatory and not for everyone, but for people wanting to play a 1 IRL week mission and not few hours.
Made a more de -
08 Dec, '21
James MergedShould have a main place (a island) for ppl to build a base like the outpost (at this time there is no point building in a mission as only need a 1x1 for storms, workbench and oxygen) where we all meet up, build up the base and build up items to head in to a mission, you can only take a few items into the mission from your base, then what ever you take you cant bring back, ofc you can still build in missions as would still need to gather food, oxygen, water and to weather out storms etc, would be good to see mission with active NPC running around as currently like bears are to easy to avoid there attacks and sneak pass.
08 Dec, '21
Kir44n MergedIdea adapted from idea seen on Reddit.
We should have large, long term multi-objective Missions. Right now all the missions are very basic, and can be completed in a fairly short period of time.
We should have missions that combine several existing sort of missions :
Drop into a zone. Scan the area for objectives. Clear out any hostile/aggressive creatures. Research unique flora/fauna. Prospect for exotic materials. Open up a path to the next area. Then once the zone has been completed of all objectives, extract and move to the next area. This can all happen in a single prospect and doesn't require you to extract over and over.
Then we can have a payout that matches the number of objectives completed. If we did the equivalent of 5 current missions, this large combo mission should pay like this, in the 400-600 range. To keep it variable, you could have the objectives change each playthrough of the missions pulling from a larger pool of objectives (5 goals, but a pool of 20 or -
09 Dec, '21
Conna MergedAbsolutely. This would make the core loop far more enjoyable.
09 Dec, '21
Kalizaar MergedRandom, optional events or objectives would definitely add to the fun factor. Watching various streams I've seen many people comment that missions are kind of boring or disappointing and boil down to land, run, do simple thing, run back.
Random events and objectives would give a reason for players to explore and smell the roses. -
09 Dec, '21
Radza MergedIt can cost fuel or other materials to bring back looted/crafted items from mission
Drop pod have limited space for it.
Abilities or upgrades to increase the slots in drop pod. -
09 Dec, '21
James Pollard MergedAt the moment we have to drop into a biome, complete the mission, leave for the station and repeat. In my opinion this makes the game a little grindy forcing players to adopt a commando style gameplay limiting use of the tech tree.
I suggest a hub and spoke biome strategy:
1. Drop into a "hub" mission to unlock the spokes
2. Stay in the biome to complete all missions then leave for the station
3. If the hub is too tough you can leave for the station
4. If you complete the hub cannot return until the spokes are complete or you receive a cash penalty
Doing this would:
1. Make the prospect timer more relevant
2. Reduce the grind frequency at the start of each mission
3. Open up new game styles and longer survival mechanics
4. Make it worth progressively developing tools and tech
5. The player would experience more scenarios in that Biome
6. Result in a larger station spend making each return more significant. -
09 Dec, '21
munt MergedTbh, while I don't mind having to redo the grind of each mission (though I may do when I have more hours lol) as it is essentially the meat of the game and I'm in no rush to finish all the missions. I would like the timer to be more relevant, though, I think this could also be awful for players with limited spare time.
It would be cool if you could craft a kinda 'mission-uplink' at t4 or something and send required information or items to stay in the level perhaps and download a new mission? Maybe impossible to balance but an interesting thought at least. -
09 Dec, '21
Snoochy42 Mergedthis could be implemented to my suggestion on the "VERY HARD" randomly assigned 30 day mission. perhaps the missions are just really hard and you'd generally want to be level 40+ and/or with friends. then you could interact with your Drop Ships Radio Transmission System to complete/acquire quests. that way you don't have to leave? perhaps also have this mission setting have a slight increase in EM Generation rates in caves?
10 Dec, '21
Radu P MergedThis is one of the better ideas posted here. A mission as described above would actually give meaning to creating a base of operations from where all of the objectives could be done. Please consider this.
10 Dec, '21
Stormfury MergedI completely agree with this. It feels like we drop, go back to the station, then drop to the same location to do 4 missions. It'd be more realistic/fun to drop, do mission a, b, c, and d then leave. Sometimes random optional/side missions could also be spawned in to give us a dynamic play experience as well as my recommendation for some dynamic content:
https://icarus.featureupvote.com/suggestions/259505/suggestion-bring-more-life-to-drops -
11 Dec, '21
sux0rzz MergedSome of the missions feel like you prepped a lot to get gear to do the one thing, then its just OVER. I'd like the missions to get more interesting and complex. For example we completed the arctic construction mission yesterday and (spoilers): I'd really like there to have been more, we built all the stuff for the first barracks, and then it was like, OK done!, I kind of expected to have to get the building to weather a storm, or add more things to the structure, or.... something. The mission just felt like, ok that's it. I'd love for these missions to have a bit more complexity and be multi-objective, or have progressive objectives. You really need to be able to reap the "Adventure" benefits of the preparation phase over a a longer / more complex (but fun, not just grinding) multi-faceted mission.
11 Dec, '21
Vex MergedI wouldn't mind some puzzle elements in some missions as well.
11 Dec, '21
sux0rzz MergedAnother good one -- could be merged:
https://icarus.featureupvote.com/suggestions/257484/suggestion-harder-missions-random-events-needed -
11 Dec, '21
turvarya MergedI think just merging missions, would be an easy solution. I mean, you break through to a new biome, than run all the way back to your rocket to start a new mission, where you start near the entrance you made in the previous mission with all your equipment gone.
11 Dec, '21
Shadow MergedSo great game concept. Been playing since the beta weekends. Now after logging some time into this game It's starting to get very repetitive, very quickly. Drop, build, do mission leave. Same thing over and over and over again with Very little reward given based on the time spent on a mission. Now I have a suggestion.
I think the entire mission system should be reworked in a way where
1) the prospector drops
2) Does their mining /building
3) Receives mission pods DOWN from the station that contain different missions
4) prospector does said mission and reports back/sends back the sample
5) Pod goes back to station
The dropped missions can Take you ALL OVER the map. This way the prospector can choose maintain what they've built, have to travel everywhere on the map and with Decay, no base stays in the same place for too long. -
11 Dec, '21
Shadow MergedAlso I think an ore node can re-spawn every 5 game days and for every 2-3 ores a higher level one will spawn. Can also make a Tree go through stages into a full tree within 5 in game days as well.
11 Dec, '21
Joohong MergedMaybe this could be tested with a separate mission branch? I think this would be nice personally
11 Dec, '21
Panerdar MergedLove the game so far but a bit silly to keep dropping to the exact location every time but each time you start from scratch. What exactly happened to my stone structure from the last drop? It makes it through every storm during the current drop but just poofs when I go back up? The start grind is getting old fast for me.
11 Dec, '21
sux0rzz MergedAnother good one - could be Merge / but slightly different idea:
https://icarus.featureupvote.com/suggestions/260045/missions-rework-suggestion -
11 Dec, '21
Shadow MergedExcellent points! Check this out as a way to solve some of this! https://icarus.featureupvote.com/suggestions/260045/missions-rework-suggestion
12 Dec, '21
Jason MergedShould merge with https://icarus.featureupvote.com/suggestions/257228/reward-players-for-staying-in-prospect-longer
Very on par with that request. -
12 Dec, '21
Cipher 8 MergedThe new Stockpile mission kinda works this way with the drop pods that you send up in mission once you fill them with requested materials.
I just hope for instead of the same requested materials each time you load this mission it were random on a table of available options for that biome, so you could do the mission on repeat but have some variance. Not plan ahead knowing what's requested every time after doing the mission one time.
Also for your idea, which I love, there should just be like 10 optional objectives for Exploration missions. So if you complete 0/10 and leave in dropship you get 0 R reward still. As it is now. But if you complete 1/10... 3/10... 5/10...7/10... the reward amount keeps going up. So you an choose to complete as many as you wanna attempt staying down on Icarus for as long as you want and the timer allows for (most are 30 days). If you do manage to do all 10/10 you should get some Workshop item unlocked similar to how certain techs are locked behind talent. -
12 Dec, '21
Cipher 8 MergedAnd for the second part of that idea and the optional 10 objectives they too should be on a semi-random table of options so that it's not the same 10 objectives every time you do that Exploration mission.
But really like the flavor of how your idea works with additional drop pods coming down and landing to give you additional mission objectives (as long as they are optional and you can leave at any time) because it's so cool when the dropships enter and leave in game as it. We need more of that! -
12 Dec, '21
Rex MergedI really like the idea of a permanent base that I can continuously improve, though I'm not super interested in doing this for cosmetic reasons only; I would love if it could be useful in some way.
To that end, I'm imaging a game mode very similar to Outposts, except:
- the whole map is open
- resources respawn
- regular (daily?/weekly?/monthly?) missions are available
I know there are 30 day missions that sort of allow this, though that still feels very ephemeral and I wouldn't expect that to change as long as there's a time limit. -
12 Dec, '21
Cipher 8 MergedNice idea! I do hope they do something with outposts eventually whatever that is... cuz in their current state I will NEVER be touching them. No incentive to.
12 Dec, '21
Rex MergedGreat suggestion! I just put in a very similar one, though perhaps it can be merged into this one as I believe the goal is the same: persistence and useful builds.
https://icarus.featureupvote.com/suggestions/260483/oustpost-improvementnew-game-mode -
12 Dec, '21
Cipher 8 MergedIf the meta is going to be farming Deep Veins:Extraction — one mission — on repeat then the game is broken. This needs to be addressed promptly. Just like how Strange Harvest:Bio-Research was swiftly and in-kind.
If the playerbase is incentivized to remain running one or two meta missions on repeat because the rewards for all the other missions are literally lacking to the point it's not worth choosing well then that needs some rebalancing and the only way to do that in my eyes is to put a mission cooldown timer on those specific missions so that players, can still do them again yes, but cannot repeat them rapidly simply to farm them for rewards too often.
Players should be incentivized to do better reward paying missions and not repeating small less paying missions because they are fast to complete.
Devs need to better balance Missions in terms of time/reward and highest rewarded mission payouts should require teching up and longevity in player effort on planet.
See com -
12 Dec, '21
Cipher 8 MergedHonestly I don't think you should be able to even repeat Payday:Extraction or Payday:Deep Veins for rewards when the whole point of those missions are to unlock the Elanthium ⬢ nodes in ALL the other missions to be able to get them by playing the game as intended.
I get that players will look for and want a fast way to get stuff but in the end they really don't want that for the sake of the game. Once most have unlocked everything through farming the currency and exotics from THIS ONE MISSION on repeat they will leave and stop playing the game. Rocket Werkz for the sake of the game's continued longevity please put a cooldown timer on being able to repeat the Extraction missions or simply remove the rewards on repeat all together once you've completed them once there is no reason to keep doing them on repeat. -
12 Dec, '21
Cipher 8 MergedAlso you have got to take the limit off the amount of Elanthium nodes that spawn in a mission for the 30 day Exploration mission types specifically.
Apparently, in these 30 day timer missions there are only 2 veins and 1 ore node of Elanthium exotic matter for a total of 216'ish ore.
Deep Vein being far more profitable and quicker so why would anyone be incentivized to play anything but repeat this one mission?
Also 2 people can bring back more than can fit in the ship just having exotics in character inventory. I don't think dropship cargo limits matter if it works from hotbar/inventory. If your inventory will count then a solo player max is 900 exotics and a group is 1200 per mission. Is this intended? What's the point of dropship cargo slots then and the whole upgrades to the amount of cargo a dropship can hold? -
12 Dec, '21
Syndacyt MergedWhile I agree there needs to be a separate game mode for those who want a persistent world they can work on and come back to, we already have this. I know many hate outposts in their current state. But with further development (really just adding back in hostile mobs and weather with settings for the user to set difficulties etc) they can actually be a bit more fun.
As for the map size of the current outposts, I don't think they need to be changed. The main map is 8km/8km and I've yet to bother explore the whole map as I haven't needed to.
Another work around for this can include the current exploration missions we already have, and just remove the 30-day timer on it entirely. These missions don't give rewards to begin with and is a terrible middle ground for a persistent world. -
12 Dec, '21
Cipher 8 MergedAnd in before someone says, and how does someone else playing affect you?
Whether someone else's experiences and how they choose to play doesn't affect me directly *currently with no competitive mission types* it does indirectly affect everyone! And that doesn't change the fact that the onus is still on the devs for a need to keep their game progression and rewards system's balanced for the betterment sake of the game less they will risk losing an engaged and active player base.
Yes I'm aware there's far worse cheaters running trainers and other cheats to get max level and all talents blueprints unlocked. There are quite a few holes in the game as far as that goes but this here, needs addressing too. This affects everybody playing the game wide not just those actively choosing to cheat. -
12 Dec, '21
Cipher 8 MergedJason I don't like how the merged mashes the formatting to one paragraph though but thanks for linking that suggestion too. I upvoted.
12 Dec, '21
Cipher 8 MergedI think everybody's all got the same idea here, no matter how they deem is the right way to do it they need to do a mission type that directly addresses these concerns and rewards the player(s) for not choosing to do an already completed mission on repeat just because it's the quicker to complete and ends up in getting more currency/exotics to them.
https://icarus.featureupvote.com/suggestions/259830/missions-need-more-depth-you-prep-to-gear-up-then-do-one-objective-then-its-over -
12 Dec, '21
Cipher 8 MergedAnd to further go down this thought process I made yet another suggestion
https://icarus.featureupvote.com/suggestions/260542/metagaming-extraction-mission-type-fixes-and-mission-cooldown-timers#comment344731 -
12 Dec, '21
sux0rzz MergedI'm not sure I agree with the specific suggestion about real day accrual of Yellow Currency, but generally like the suggestions of incentivizing spending more time invested in a prospect, and being able to feel like getting to T3 and T4 gear and bases is worth it on the adventure payoff.
Upvoting based on this comment and the general theme, rather than the specific Yellow Currency daily accrual suggestion. -
12 Dec, '21
Cipher 8 MergedI realize there is more than one suggestion with similar ideas. And there's more than a few ways to do it.
One of my favorite suggestions I've seen in regards to this.
Check it out and upvote it.
is one of my favorites https://icarus.featureupvote.com/suggestions/260045/missions-rework-suggestion#comment344741
I like his idea on drop pods and the game sending down more and more optional objectives in the form of these drop pods as you complete them.
You can leave at any time but if you complete them you keep getting more and more as well as increasingly more currency rewards for doing more of them.
Only limited by your remaining timer or maybe doing a cap 10/10 if you think there needs to be one.
This could all be done on existing exploration mission types as these objectives are completely optional and 30 day exploration mission right now have no mission objectives.