[Suggestion] Add generalized solo unlock mechanic (solo talent points AND solo tech points)
*Add mechanic to be able to solo unlock tech or talents in the regular trees, using respectively solo tech points and solo talent points.
*Solo unlocks are marked "solo", and are only unlocked when playing solo.
*If you use regular points on something solo unlocked, then it becomes regular unlocked and the spent solo point is refunded.
*This keeps the need to be specialized when playing with others, while being able to unlock more stuff when playing solo.
*Does not require separate solo trees.
Comments: 2
17 Jun, '23
cmopatrickSince your side has decided not to work with the "solo-only" threads (you marked them "done" without considering alternatives mentioned in the threads), lets see if we can keep the importance of better solo support in the talents side going with this thread.
I don't want or need ALL the talent points needed to cover the entire talent pool. But for a toon with 1100 hours of play, it would take an absolute moron not to have learned a heck of a lot more than what you grant now, even with things at level 60... and no moron would have survived.
Please reconsider your treatment of solo-only characters; allow them to be intelligent toons. Give us an irrevocable chance to mark one (or more) characters as "solo-only" and let us earn talents again. Heck, just give us one talent point every second or third "level up" we earn instead of the additional blueprint points we don't need and will likely never use (my main right now has 942 and has everything except the thatch section selected). -
08 Apr, '24
Sabre070 - Designer AdminSolo blueprints were considered through development but introduce a lot of issues, similarly marking talents as solo only has similar issues. I plan to add additional solo talents in the future but the core systems of unlocks won't change.