[Suggestion] Platinum/Titanium Deep Mining Nodes needed for Open World

108 votes

There need to be Platinum and Titanium Deep Mining Nodes for Open World Mode to accommodate for the Significant Increase in their Use, Especially for when Higher Tiers come out. It is Very hard to make things that need Titanium and Platinum during even the Longer Missions, as there are no Deep Mining Nodes to compensate for the rarity of the materials. There otherwise needs to be some sort of Regenerating Resource exception for the two, as crafting/building High Tier Constructs/Materials will be necessary for dealing with the increased Dangers represented by the Roving World Bosses.

The Simple Answer for both the Player Base and the Developers is to have Titanium be as rare as Gold, and Platinum be as rare as Aluminum, as they are used roughly as often in Higher-tier Recipes, especially where Composites and High-tier Tools/Weapons are involved.

Planned Map: Open World Suggested by: Theodore Bendon Upvoted: 20 Apr Comments: 4

Comments: 4