[Bug] Serious map issues during Open World Styx gameplay [dedilive client with DS]

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After a building a lake/cliffside base above the NE cave in map grid I7, there are a lot of problems where cave icon is affecting the area above. I get the cave effect in my base built above the cave and I often hear cave worms at times "attacking" from within the cave far below. Another serious map issue is major glitches in the north/center area of I7. Walking or riding mounts in the area can be fatal. I have experienced a weird graphics bug where the scene rendered simply degrades to the point the game has to 'redraw geometry' and the game reloads. Trees in the area that were cut down have the tops of the trees float in mid-air. The entire game seems to stop rendering graphics until you exit the area again. Exiting the area can be hard though since the gameplay isn't really showing you playing as normal. I've seen bears disappear entering the area and once my terrain there simply turned white everywhere to where you couldn't navigate.

Under consideration Dedicated Server Suggested by: Oozi Upvoted: 20 Nov, '22 Comments: 0

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