[Suggestion] Add a Drill to the workshop

5 votes

when playing solo or even in a group, it can be quiet a lot of work to find enough ores to get as far as making a normal drill for deep deposits, if there was a drill in the work shop it would take the pain out of making it, it suffers for the same problem as the guns, there ok to make once twice 3 times, but doing it all over again for every single mission, you just forget about them farm exotics and bring a decent bow instead you can say that about a lot of end game stuff by the time you have farmed them its nearly time to leave the mission, and if you do farm them you have used up pretty much all the ores on the map to take advantage of them.

So TLDR add guns and a deep mining drill to work shop

Under consideration Workshop Suggested by: Kieran Upvoted: 30 Jan Comments: 1

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