[Suggestion] Allow Angled/Half Variations to be Placed Together

3 votes

Currently, the collision for half- and angled- variations (angled walls, half-walls and half-/quarter- floors) have the collision of full objects. This causes it to be impossible to place an inverted or half variant adjacent to the previous object. To demonstrate, imagine having an inverted, angled stone wall piece exposed to the elements to fit to the roof. However, it's not possible to fill in a gap on the interior with an opposing wood variant due to the collision. Would it be possible to make the collision match the model's visual representation for angled and half pieces?

Angled Stone: \|
Angled Wood: |\
Together: |\\|

For floors, this would allow 4 quarter or 2 half floors to be placed adjacent to each other, resulting in a full floor tile.

Under consideration Building Pieces Suggested by: StormFX Upvoted: 14 Sep, '23 Comments: 2

Comments: 2