Server Browser Enhancements TOP 5

2 votes

Once a player clicks the join feature, the server browser is presented but sometimes it appears to get lost while returning the results from its queries... Some basic features as possible enhancements to the existing server browser that our community might appreciate: 1) Before the server browser defaults to any query, allow the player to select the desired destination. 2) Provide an input functionality allowing p[layers to type in their exact destination. 3) Provide access to a list of history for previously visited destinations. 4) Provide a user managed list of favorite destinations. 5) If you manage your own server with a spider list of servers that could auto update regularly every 10 to 15 seconds, your users should then only have to run queries against that already produced list and their returns should be next to instant in terms of speed thus making for happier users. Retired code monkey here, happy to help if you would like, let me know!

In Progress Dedicated Server Suggested by: Wyze Upvoted: 19 Jan, '23 Comments: 1

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