[Bug] Stealth bow headshot kills wrong animal.
Have found that when several animals are in sight if I crouch and get a headshot on one, it does the action replay thing (which is very cool), but it often targets and kills another animal entirely than the one I actually fired at. The effect of this can be critical too, as I'm often firing at an aggessive animal such as a wolf (possibly already coming at me), and instead of the wolf dying, another animal that is a much lesser threat dies instead (eg rabbit, small buffalo etc). Once it comes out of the action replay thing, the wolf is already on me and I'm in big trouble. The other animal that dies is always one that is in my field of view, but nowhere near close enough to the actual target that there's a chance that I missed and hit the wrong one. NOTE: There is another issue logged similar to mine, but mentions homing arrows. I am not using homing arrows, just plain old bone arrows and the basic bow.
Comments: 15
25 Sep, '21
Snowfie MergedWhen the killcam activates, arrows are sometimes hitting utterly random targets nearby that aren't being aimed at.
11 Oct, '21
TemporalWolf MergedShoot a stealth arrow at puma's head. Kill cam activates and I murder some random baby deer that must have been somewhere near by.
Puma mauls me to death. Thanks kill cam. -
25 Oct, '21
Nerodon MergedKill cam appears to "auto-aim" as well and acts as a sort of hitscan.
So if the shot "would" arc to about a head shot, it takes it and makes it happen, even if that shot wasn't intended and wouldn't necessarily be what happened... It actually removes from the realism in order to show the "cool kill cam"
Good thing it can be disabled, but I feel that it has a little bit of incidence on shots taking skill consideration away from the player to dumb it down for it to actually work, the radius to grant a kill cam in too large and has weird effects like the one reported above. -
26 Oct, '21
Nick MergedI absolutely LOVE the kill cam as it makes hunting more fun, but I also had the issue where a random animal in the vicinity was targeted and hit versus the one I was actually aiming at. Usually this occurred with the bow, but this also happened while fighting the worm boss using a hunting rifle. Aiming at his open maw, high off the ground, when a poor innocent antelope off in the distance on the ground had to die. (Don't worry, I made sure the carcass didn't go to waste.) :-)
11 Nov, '21
MD7 MergedI was aiming at a large deer while a baby deer was walking a good 5-10ft away from it (and my cursor) and when I released the arrow, the kill-cam showed the arrow somehow hitting and killing the baby target I was clearly not aiming at or anywhere near aiming at.
15 Dec, '21
EzE Mergedhttps://www.reddit.com/r/SurviveIcarus/comments/rfnpu8/the_deer_never_saw_it_coming/
^ prime example. But can confirm I've disabled the kill cam for this exact reason. -
10 Jan, '22
velocity7 MergedIt's annoying when the auto-aim from the killcam likes to target the closest target, but not the closest target the player is aiming at. For example, when aiming at a bear straight in the center, if there happens to be another animal that is close by but not immediately visible to the player (e.g., in a bush), they get prioritized over the bear, even though the player was aiming at the bear.
12 Feb, '23
MuliPark MergedKill Cam random kills an other Animal near by, mostly babydeer is already known.
I died so many times because fighting another animal. Sometimes because running down a cliff to avoid damage from agressive beast.
So, maybe allow KillCam only if Character has no aggro from another creature would easy fix this. How hard to program this? -
13 Feb, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"Kill Cam random hits" (suggested by MuliPark on 2023-02-12), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Feb, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"[Bug] Kill-cam causing arrows to hit wrong target" (suggested by MD7 on 2021-11-11), including upvotes (8) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Feb, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"[Suggestion] Killcam should focus on closest target player is actually aiming at" (suggested by velocity7 on 2022-01-10), including upvotes (1) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Feb, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"[Bug] Killcam shots hitting entirely different target" (suggested by Snowfie on 2021-09-25), including upvotes (5) and comments (3), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Aug, '23
john boleman MergedWhen 1 shotting a creature with the killcam 90% of the time the arrows flight path is shown with a white line (not a bug), then once the animal falls over the line starts going in all different directions erratically. Equivalent to a bunch of squiggly lines over the kill.
1 -
01 Sep, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"Bug report Kill cam arrows" (suggested by john boleman on 2023-08-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
24 Jul, '24
TerryI get this ALL the time. Arrows have a mind of their own and often do not actually go to the animal you aim at. Especially hard if you have a trained animal and its being attacked by a wolf or similar, and you are away from it, you aim at the wolf and it ends up killing (with clear movement of the arrow from its target) your own animal.
I have disabled Kill Cam in options, as when you are trying to shoot something running at you and the arrow flies off to some random creature way off the the side, that sucks, when you have to play out the kill cam, you are dead.
Another situation is if you have mother and baby, you aim at the mother and the arrow flies off and kills the baby, which may be no where near where you aim. Its just stupid.
This really needs to be fixed.