[Suggestion] Add UI scaling for large monitors and TV players
I'm playing on a 4k 55' tv and i can barely read the text its so small. All the UI is too small to use comfortable. Making the game automatically scale to window scaling or just adding a slider would make the game much more playable. Its a feature many games forget about. My friend has a 43' monitor giving him the same problems I'm having.
Comments: 7
16 Sep, '21
Mike Miller MergedAllow the User Interface to be scaled up or down. At the default scale it can be difficult to clearly see the icons and numbers. It would be helpful to scale up the UI rather down downscale the entire resolution. A percentage slider for up or down would be perfect.
04 Feb, '22
Simul MergedHi I'm legally blind, low vision, with an extremely common form of central vision impairment. To this end, I and I'm sure others with vision issues would love to see accessibility options like UI Scaling Size, or UI element placement; allowing users to increase the size of the HUD elements, or adjust the position, to make them easier to see. These features are also likely relevant to users with ultrawide displays, as at extremely high resolutions UI size is often small.
Namely, UI elements such as HUD while playing (Health, Buffs/Debuffs, Thirst, Oxygen, Mission, Etc) as well as inventory and crafting menus are the ones I've seen most user's issues refer to. In my own experiences, those as well as the map and its elements like the player icons are extremely hard to see. -
13 Jun, '22
Fratous MergedThe HUD in its current state is incredibly obscuring, busy, and at times distracting. Just turning the whole thing off however is not practical for gameplay, we need to be able to adjust elements of the HUD. to list a few missing options that i feel is very important to have ~HUD Scaling. the HUD at the moment for me is just way too big, and i want the option to scale it down by % like other games do with such a busy HUD ~HUD Transparency ~HUD centre positioning ~ability to hide the current objective status. Put it somewhere on the map screen instead, or make it a hotkey to just hide the objectives. Please, for the love of my OLED TV display, let me hide this big, Burn-in inviting bright yellow, HUD element!) ~Fade in/out setting when i'm not interacting with it. if im not swapping items on the hotbar, give me an option to let the hotbar fade out of the picture ~Hide certain elements such as the co-ordinates on the top right side of the screen
01 Jul, '23
KnobodyThis is an absolutely necessary accessibility setting. The game is completely unplayable without UI scaling on large screens as the game menus, objective text, and tooltips are unreadable.
03 Jul, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"[Suggestion] UI Scaling" (suggested by Mike Miller on 2021-09-16), including upvotes (7) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
03 Jul, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"Visual Accessibility Options / UI Options" (suggested by Simul on 2022-02-04), including upvotes (3) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
03 Jul, '23
Elissa - Producer Admin"[QoL Suggestion] The HUD needs TLC improvements and adjustability options - its too Busy!" (suggested by Fratous on 2022-06-13), including upvotes (4) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.