[Suggestion] A focus on fixes for 'Self Hosted' dedicated servers instead of purchased online kind

2 votes

There are a number of problems even finding a dedicated server from the client. A number of us have set up various dedicated servers and have found that mostly we can connect from EITHER LAN or Internet and not both which nearly completely rules out the self hosted option. It seems entirely random as though the server is binding itself to one or the other based on some unknown criteria. Some people are able to get it to work by using a VPN to connect to their server that is on their own (same) subnet. For some, that doesn't even work.

I propose that we get a rollup of fixes with a focus on self hosted dedicated servers with a scope of 'finding' and 'connecting to' these dedicated servers from the client. No NAT reflection should be required.

Under consideration Dedicated Server QOL Suggestion Suggested by: Marshalleq Upvoted: 02 Nov, '23 Comments: 0

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