[Bug] Display and crafting not working correctly

1 votes

My friend joined my hosted map. When he first joined he could craft but then it suddenly stopped. Everything would que up but wouldn't go past que and there was nothing actually crafting. The crafting slot was empty and everything he tried to craft didn't have the craft button but the que button instead.

Also when I would mine things it or pick flowers it would tell him I did something completely different. I picked some berry's and it told him I skinned an elephant (there are no elephants where we are, i haven't even seen one), and when I mined Oxite it told him that I killed a polar bear. I haven't seen one of them either so not sure if there are any of them in the snow area of the map.

Under consideration Host Suggested by: Nik Upvoted: 18 Jul, '23 Comments: 0

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