[Bug] Global illumination not really working?

4 votes

Noticed recently that even with global illumination enabled in the settings, it doesn't seem to really do much. I notice it in the tree, they are given a bit more light and colour. However, in buildings, if you have a central light in the middle of a room full of tables, there will be incredibly harsh shadows and almost no lighting at all in those shadows from potential bounces.
A very obvious example I noticed was in a small rooom where we have an oxite lamp on top of a wardrobe and the light coming from that went into a perpendicular wall which should add some bounce light to the side of the wardrobe, however there is zero blue illumination and a very sharp shadow.

I know you guys are hard at work on making performance better for people, but it'd make a seriously massive difference, especially to interiors if there was better GI/bounce lighting.

Even if it was just an extra option for those with performance to spare, that'd be amazing.

Under consideration Settings Suggested by: Thomas Upvoted: 24 Aug, '23 Comments: 0

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