[Bug] Prometheus create hitboxes need fixed - Drifter, Viscid, Strikers

185 votes

Prometheus create hitboxes need fixed - Drifter, Viscid, Strikers

Drifter - sometimes it works perfectly, sometimes we can shoot dozens of arrows and/or gun rounds into them and they will not take any damage

Viscid - Usually the first hit works well, but then it's very difficult to hit them after that. This might be intended since they are slug goo... not sure

Strikers - Usually the first hit works well, but then it's very difficult to hit them after that, which does not make sense. We think it mainly has to do with their running and attacking animations not having hitboxes. We usually have to resort to melee to finish the fight.

Under consideration AI Suggested by: Frog Upvoted: 26 Mar Comments: 2

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