[Bug] Research: Miasmic resources - No pod

1 votes

Hi, it seems that I can't get to the next stage of the mission.
I've tested all my tools and no pod appeared.
I checked if it was because I crafted a miasmic pick-axe before the mission asked me to and used this one. But after using the one I crafted for the mission it doesn't make the mission progress.
I also wonder if it is related to the fact I moved the forge back to my base in the grasslands, maybe it was too far away when I crafted the items for the mission to make the pod drop ? I was a the bottom left of the picture when I finished the crafting part.
Coming back to the mission circle and using the tools doesn't trigger anything either.
Reloading doesn't change anything

Under consideration Map: Open World Map: Prometheus Missions Suggested by: Garoomf Upvoted: 30 Sep, '23 Comments: 1

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