[Bug](Week 97) Styx Zephyr: Expedition no radar N5 (stage 1)

2 votes

Original topic https://steamcommunity.com/app/1149460/discussions/2/7098294290821227329/
The author of the topic did not have a radar in the specified location (the screenshot shows that there is not even a ‘projection’), he wrote that he does not have mods. He started the game (Week 97 Hypatia: Part I) when there were problems with dropship, but nothing was written about this, including in the update (Week 98) {in the bug fixed section}
I personally checked this point and I have everything (I ran it as Missions)
Perhaps this is a new bug related to the Missions + OpenWorld Styx merger, maybe not.

Under consideration Map: Styx Missions Suggested by: MaximT Upvoted: 07 Jan Comments: 1

Comments: 1