[Suggestion] Give more than one chunk of fish per fish

1 votes

I'm catching 5 and 6 kg (11 to 13 pounds) fish in these pools. If I break them down, I get ONE fish chunk. That must be one massive chunk of fish! If I dive for them and shoot or stab them I get the same thing. This seems unlikely and feels like it needs a rebalance.

Decide how much a single 'chunk' weighs, then give that many chunks based on the weight of the fish.

Assign a weight to the ones you hunt for with a weapon or projectile, so they also give a proper amount of fish chunks when processed.

If done away from the fishing table, then a slight decrease makes sense, as you can't cut as neatly. If done at the fishing table, a slight increase is also possible.

Allow fish and filets to be processed into chunks at the fishing table.

Under consideration Fishing Suggested by: Darena Bryant Upvoted: 25 Oct, '23 Comments: 1

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