[Bug] Several missions in Olympus with bugs

5 votes

Experienced several bug's in several missions. Some of them so you can't complete the mission.

Foreksemel Meridian: Extraction when you have taken your equipment out of the Pod and run away it disappears and there is nowhere to deliver your ore. So you cannot complete mission.

Influx: Construction explain that you have to run to a location. It is a blue circle in the snow but when you get over to the area nothing happens. So you're locked and misson won't get through.

There were 2 other missions that I can't remember which, but where there also was bugs where you didn't get information about what you had to do, but it was possible to complete the mission with the help of YouTube videos.

I really like your game so I hope it can be fixed so I can get on with the missions.

Hope to hear from you.
Best wishes

Under consideration Map: Olympus Suggested by: Charlie Duysen Upvoted: 05 Mar Comments: 22

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