Anti cheat shouldn't touch private dedicated servers

1 votes

Myself and our Server owner/operator were Messing with rates and admin settings for the eventual public server, we were trying to make a admin character with all things unlocked so admin mode or cheats wouldn't be needed as much to make or remake things people would have lost, we weren't doing it to gain any sorta of advantage on public servers, again this was all done on a private personally owned server machine. The anti cheat kicked in and banned our server operator/owner. We even sent in a request the devs..they agreed it shouldn't have happened on a private server, but he still has a VAC ban, They never undid the over reach. This was 6 months ago after multiple attempts we gave up. We love this game and really miss playing. but we refuse until he is unbanned.

Under consideration Dedicated Server Follow Up Suggested by: nick Upvoted: 03 Nov, '23 Comments: 1

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