[Bug] Outposts - Orbital Exchange Delivery Pods

2 votes

WHEN DID THE BUG FIRST OCCUR: After the week 100 update.

WHAT MAPS ARE AFFECTED: Tecton Outpost & Everbark Outpost. Olympus missions do not seem to have the issue.

WHAT IS THE ISSUE: When calling a delivery pod from the orbital exchange the pod will often come down in the "out of bounds" area. If it does come down in the normal section of the map it seems to drop to 0 altitude. Meaning if it comes down in the water, which it occasional does, it will land right on the surface. If it lands on a cliff it will drop through the map to supposedly what would be 0 altitude. In both the out of bounds situation and the 0 level scenario the contents of the pod are lost and unrecoverable. When calling another pod the board message is that the other pod will be launched. It doesn't and every pod you have ever called is now indicated on the map.

The map clutter is annoying but the lost gear is difficult to accept.

Under consideration Map: Outposts Suggested by: Amos Burton Upvoted: 22 Nov, '23 Comments: 0

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