[Bug] Ghost rocks on dedicated servers

18 votes

1) Mine a rock on a dedicated server.
2) Occasionally, intermittently and unfortunately unpredictably, the rock will still be visible when you subsequently log in.
3) If you then mine the rock, it will disappear, but you won't get any stone from it it because it was previously mined already.
4) However, the mass of the rock will remain and you will bump into the "ghost rock" until a subsequent login if/when the bug is not present.

There is a rock in front of one of my doors. I mined it away ages ago but every so often, maybe 1/3 of the time, the rock reappears. I've given up mining it away because I know its ghost will remain and I'll still keep bumping into it. This has happened to me only on dedicated servers, using two different service providers, and talking to other players, it's apparently somewhat common.

Known issue Dedicated Server Suggested by: Wanderlust Upvoted: 06 May Comments: 0

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