[Suggestion] Third Person Free Camera

1 votes

Both me and my friend and it seems quite a few other people get motion sickness from this game more-so than other games with a third person view option. While there are a number of other fixes that could help this, having a free camera with some motion smoothing would make a massive difference.

I think it would be an excellent option to have a free camera mode while moving around in third person and to have some motion smoothing available so that it doesn't do as much jerky movements as the character might do.

Also including a motion smoothing option for first person can help some too, for me this just feels laggy or gummy because the camera sort of catches up with the mouse, but it definitely makes a difference for some people who get motion sick more easily beyond just reducing mouse sensitivity

Under consideration Accessibility Suggested by: CJ Upvoted: 05 Feb Comments: 0

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